
Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Recap: Mar 1, 2022

Proudly Ignorant. 

Deliberately Stupid. 

Ragin violent hate. 

Open racism, white nationalists, jingoism, shallow brainless patriotism.

They are gun humping conspiracy nuts who embrace sedition, insurrection, treason as virtues and loudly raise up  foreign despots as their heroes.

This is the pinched bitter screaming face of the Republican Party today.

This is what the once venerable Party of Lincoln has become. 

A fist, smashing in the face of Liberty. 

History shows again and again and yet again, that a political party and an ideology that accommodates and encourages this yammering ignorant hate cannot build anything.

It can not build anything. 

It can only destroy. 

This mean small ingrown ideology can only make the world a worse place, never better.

This kind of mindless slavering hatred and greedy bitter lust for power is exactly what led to the war in Ukraine -- and every other atrocity throughout history. 

This horrible worldview is precisely the vile bilious hatred condemned over and over by the very religion these people claim to believe in. They are the selfsame antichrist they claim to fear. 

If Republicans do not remove this vile cancer from their midst, then they have become a disease upon the body politic.

And sooner or later, like any other malignant tumor, we're going to have to cut them out. 

Before they kill us all. 


  1. There's nothing I can add to that, and still pass the moderator's review; and can respond in only one sad little word, to the penultimate statement. "How?"

    1. Organize, work and VOTE, especially at the State level.

    2. Bravo! Short and hits the point HARD on the head.

    3. Run for local office, or support good candidates. School boards, town councils. Elections coordinators. That's where the fascists have entrenched, and that's where the disease festers deepest.

    4. Vote as if you were a fighting Ukraine. Let them be an inspiration.

    5. Not to be a pedantic asshole, but I think you mean consummate when you say penultimate. Penultimate is a fancy way of saying "second-to-last."

    6. Vote, and make sure it's in the election that chooses the winner. Most election districts are gerrymandered to be miniature one-party states. That means you need to be voting in the PRIMARY election for your vote to have real impact, so if you're state requires party registration for primary votes, that's the party you need to declare you're a member of. Then you vote for the sanest candidate in the primary. (and whoever you want in the general election).

  2. A republican friend of mine uses the 'no true scotsman' fallacy to excuse her need to excoriate them. And was angry at me at attributing the extremist view to all republicans.
    My response was their flying your flag and claim their on your team, so their fouls are yours.

    1. But your friend thinks all members of BLM are rioters, I bet.

  3. Couldn't agree more. Thank you!

  4. The shoals are there. They are in clear view. It is a question of navigation. I can only hope.

  5. The shoals are there. They are in clear view. It is a question of navigation. I can only hope.

  6. These 2 made the best case for how badly good child care is needed!

  7. No doubt about it.

    One typographical observation: on the third line, did you want it to be raging or ragin'?

  8. Not building bridges here. Mainly because there is not anything left worth building to. With minor exceptions.

    1. Building bridges implies there is something on the other side of interest to you. I see nothing on their side that I want, so no need to build a bridge.

    2. I'm not sure if this works quite right with your metaphor as stated... but it's important that every American who can be persuaded to want out of the cult have a safe offramp into sanity, and welcome back to consensual reality. Trapping every temporary enthusiast for MAGA into permanent containment there, with nowhere else to go, serves us even worse than it does them.

    3. We on the left have not trapped them where they are now. They have done this to themselves. Willfully. Read the Authoritarians by Bob Altemeyer and you will find out why this is so.

  9. Excellent! Once again, you see the evilness and can identify it and address it as no other person I am aware of.

  10. You have once again summed it up better than anyone else posting on social media has done. Thank you. I pray that we wake up and realize we have to do better and get these people out of office. They are bringing our country down without any help from foreign aggressors.

    1. I beg to differ. We have had information warfare conducted against us for a very long time. What we now see is the fruit of that long campaign.

  11. I watched the first ten minutes, then gave up before I threw something through my TV screen. I see I made the right choice. I have no idea how these people can live with themselves, I really don't. If I did believe in the strange and weird, I would say they were aliens. Sadly, I do not, and they are not, just incredibly stupid people who should not be allowed out without their keepers.

  12. Those two and their ilk are vile bitter creatures and what's almost worse is the cackling sycophants who adore them and think "yeah, these people are my tribe. These people represent my values as a human". Imagine rooting for murderous despots and calling traits like humanity and compassion, character flaws of the weak. It's all beyond disgusting.

  13. Since when do actual children in attendance at SOTU behave with more decorum than Republican Congresscritters.

  14. Two morons are sitting on a bridge. MTG and Boobert! MTG fell off. Why didn't Boobert fall off? She was ......a little more- on!!

  15. The space between them is called the perineum.

  16. Glad to have you back. I was getting worried!! Were you sick, fed up, or overwhelmed??

  17. There seems to be a contest to see who can be the most stupid, reprehensible, vacuous, miserable excuse for a human possible. These are only two of the contestants.

  18. Romney complained that "I have morons on my team"
    There no rule saying there can only be two teams Mittens.

    1. Or that he's required to stay on the team. The likes of MTG and LB are not a new phenomenon in the Republican party, so the fact that he continues to sleep in the same bed despite the fleas says everything we need to know about his real values.

    2. As if that tape smuggled out from one of his donor dinner parties didn't already tell us.... the one where he cozily confided to all the other gazillionaires that of course, they know "forty seven percent of the country" (allegedly) pays "no taxes at all" and thus can't be trusted to vote for the sensible protection of enormous hoards of wealth. I paraphrase, but the claim that poor Americans PAY NO TAXES was verbatim; he and his coterie of vultures apparently all agree that the only taxes that count are the ones on, say, investment income and other forms of "money you get for having lots of money."

  19. Sen. Romney decried “morons (or idiots)” we’re on his team. Since MTG and the Illiterates hold sway in the MAGA-stained GOP, anyone embracing or voting Republican is on theIe team.

  20. They are exactly the kind who would have anyone left of Mussolini rounded up until they confront the age old problem of what to do with all the bodies.

    "Before they kill us all."


  21. I saw this coming in 1980 with Reagan and his Southern Strategy/Religious Right base. I had been a Nixon supporter from age 12 and had registered officially as a Republican at age 18 when I registered to vote in 1974.

    I became disillusioned when the GOP chose Reagan as the party nominee in 1980, so much so that I voted for independent John Anderson in the General Election (Anderson was technically a Republican).

    I expressed my concerns to my congressman at the time, David Emery (R. Maine) and warned him that the Party needed to distance itself from these people, many of whom were basically people that decent, rational Republicans used to cross the street to avoid having to talk to them or worse being seen talking to them.

    He assured me that "They are just votes. The rational voices in the party will limit their influence."

    He wasn't convincing and over the next two years i watched their influence on the administration and Party grow and I walked away and switched my party affiliations to the Democrats. I have been a Democrat ever since.

    And I don't see myself ever going back.

    1. The nomination of Reagan was also when the Republican Party abandoned me, Ron. I just couldn't bring myself to vote for John Anderson. I voted for Jimmy Carter, an honorable and decent man, who happened to be a Democrat from a state with horrible racism in its history, rather than a man I knew couldn't win. I've always blamed Anderson for splitting the rational vote between north and south and allowing Reagan to seize power.

      -pecooper, former QM3/SS

  22. Those two women in particular are a toxic combination of the screaming harpies who abused Ruby Bridges on her way to school mid-last century, and a pair of drunken hecklers from the local Mister Yuk-Yuk's Comedy Palace.

    I wish they were in a position to do less harm than the hecklers.

    1. Was thinking the exact same. They remind of the women screaming at Bridges going to school.

      Shows how "far" we've come...

  23. Once again I thank you for expressing the hatred I am feeling in a more sober explanation. I am currently in Facebook jail for the eight, or tenth time. In 8 hours, I will be free again. Like you, our rants are justifiable. But the censorship is robotic, and mutes some truths. I want to see META/Facebook just block posts that they deem to be against their "community standards". But the silencing of free speech for 30 days is just their way of showing their toleration power. "Censored speech" just doesn't sound very American does it?

  24. These two are idiots for sure but I get the feeling they were egged on by the orange moron at Jackass Junction (aka Maralago) to do his bidding. Colorado and Georgia voters - you can do better.

  25. I'm rather amazed that they didn't shit in their hands and start flinging it around the room...so, score one for what passes for decorum in the GOP I guess.

  26. I moved out of Boebert's district 4 years ago and am regretting it in many ways. I'm presently trying to find a way to get involved in her defeat. I still know a lot of people in that area. Right now, the dems don't have anyone who can win anything. My thought is that there is 1 moderate R who is popular and effective in the state legislature who has thrown his name in. I'm going to gamble on primarying Boebert like she primaried Scott Tipton. Tipton was awful but who knew there was someone worse? At least, Don Coram is semi-reasonable. And work on finding a decent D might have to wait a while while the effects of re-districting shake out.

    1. Coram is a fairly reasonable Republican, as you say. I do think he has a chance. There is another R in the race, who may dilute the vote. I'm hoping they eventually join forces to get rid of her-who-must-not-be-named.

  27. Excellent analogy. Sharpen a good suitable knife and let's work to destroy this tumor.

  28. I lay blame at the feet of Kevin McCarthy. I may be wrong, but I have to assume that given last night SOTU attendance was limited, party leaders made the call as to who got to go. McCarthy chose these two. He chose to walk into a Baccarat Crystal Shop with two toddlers, and turn them loose.

    1. Attendance last night was not limited, as it was last year, so any idiot could show up. At least 2 of them did, although I'm sure there were more that were just quiet.

    2. I blame McCarthy for quite a lot of the MAGA resurgence. After 1/6 the GOP looked to be done with Trump; he slithered off, fuming, to lick his wounds while the rest of America breathed a relieved sigh we didn't have to endure his tweets anymore. But all McCarthy saw was the opportunity to put Hitler Spice in his debt, and gain use of his power over his foam-flecked base to support McCarthy's ambition to be Speaker. As McCarthy is not only spineless, but stupid, he failed to realize Trump doesn't honor debts, and doing him a solid when he's down is only a way to gain his enmity and resentment.
      Gratitude is an alien to him as repentance, and as I recall, he told a batch of evangelical leaders eager to claim him for christianity that he didn't like the idea of asking God forgiveness, and little Donald has never ever, not once, done anything he'd ever need to be forgiven for. (They didn't listen, sadly, being caught up in the process of enthusiastically accepting the same worldly-power-for-worship deal Christ rejects according to the Sermon on the Mount.)

  29. May I share this on my Meta page?

  30. I find it astonishing that people vote for these reprehensible representatives. I probably shouldn't, but I still do.

  31. Looking at the first photo...at least Statler and Waldorf were *funny*. And not in the "omigod did she just say 'Jewish space lasers?!?'" way.

  32. I am continually tempted to buy a "Republican Lives Don't Matter" yard sign for my front lawn, but that would be beyond tempting Fate - more like giving Fate a lap-dance.

    1. "Lives don't matter TO Republicans" would be truer. Unless you're rich enough to exploit and corrupt, your life's worth nothing at all.

    2. "Republicans believe life begins at conception and ends at birth. After that, you're on your own."

  33. Said so well. I have been telling people this for so long. Ever since the repugnant party backed dumpster fire. I told people who were voting for him and repugnants that they were voting against everything they claim to believe. I am tired.

  34. The GOP only continues to exist in this day and age because we have a two-party system that more-or-less requires them to be present.

    If we had a true multi-party system, with viable non-wackaloon conservative and conservative-ish options, the GOP that we see today would have already been banished to the dark corners.

    But instead, we have them actively pushing their christo-fascism ever-more-forcefully... and the day will come, probably a lot sooner than many realize, when we have to literally take them out in order to preserve any semblance of the nation as it was intended to be.

    Or, we give up and let them take it... and move the fuck out. Right now I'm making plans for the latter.


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