Thursday, December 9, 2021

Recap: December 9, 2021


America isn't some shitty casino in Atlantic City. 

This isn't another failed business venture. 

We're not settling out of court. 

America didn't sign an NDA with this asshole and Executive Privilege applies only to the current Executive, not the former one. 

Trump is entitled to exactly fuck all confidentiality when it comes to treason, sedition, and insurrection.

America has not only a right, but a duty to know every detail of Trump's involvement in the attempted overthrow of American Democracy on January 6th, 2021. 

If he's innocent, let him prove it in front of Congress, in front of America, in front of the world. Let him prove it, incontrovertibly, with his own records, in his recorded words, with proof, with evidence, with every document and every phone call, all of it. 

The future of the Republic demands nothing less. 

We must know. 

In the words of Republicans themselves: if they got nothing to hide, they got nothing to worry about.

At this point, a full and detailed accounting is long past due. 

If Trump, if Republicans, are innocent, then let them prove it beyond any shadow of a doubt. 

But, of course, they're not innocent. 

Are they? No, they're not. 

You know it. 

I know it. 

They know it. 

They know they can't prove their innocence, because they are guilty as hell. 

They tried to overthrow the government. Yes they did. 

They gave aid and comfort to our enemies, foreign and domestic, and they're still doing it.

They're just mad anyone would call them out on it. 

Of course, mad is what this is all about. 

Republicans tried to overthrow democracy because they're mad. 

They're mad at the idea every vote should count.

But it's more than that, they're mad at the very idea your vote, the vote a liberal, of a woman, of a black person, of a gay person, of a transgender person, of an ex-con, of a naturalized immigrant, should count every bit exactly the same as theirs. 

They're mad because women want control over their own bodies. 

They don't give a shit about "life" or any right to it. It's not about the babies. It's not about sanctity or their God and it never has been. No, it's about power, control, and forcing others to submit to their will. They're mad at the very idea of someone, anyone, especially women, defying their perceived authority because it directly makes mockery of their fundamental perception of themselves as masters of the universe. 

They're mad because people demand the right to their own identity. 

For them the world is simple, binary, black and white. Us and Them. Friend and Enemy. Good and Evil. There is Right and there is Wrong. There are no shades of gray. They are pathologically incapable of seeing the world from any other perspective than their own. Empathy is weakness. Compromise is defeat. There is male and there is female and for them there is no other possible identity and to even consider such makes them mad because they simply cannot comprehend any complexity beyond their binary worldview. 

They're mad because others want the same rights, the same privileges, they enjoy.

They are furious because they see those others as less than fully human, as if a pet or a machine rose up one day and demanded equal protection under the law. They measure their self-worth the same way they measure their manhood, as relative to others. In a nation where all are are equal, those who measure human worth as a relative value cannot tell themselves they are exceptional just for being born a certain race or a particular sex or into a privileged family, religion, or station. For these people, equality for all means they are diminished, because the very foundation of their ideology is a zero sum. The books must always balance, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, no exceptions. For them to feel superior, others must have less. There has to be someone to hold in contempt, to look down upon, to hate. Always.

They're mad because those they deem unworthy, subhuman, want to come ... here. 

For them, America is like their miserable selfish religion: it's not Heaven if everyone gets to go. If everyone is Saved, if there are no Left Behind come Judgement Day, then what's the point? The greatest pleasure of their paradise isn't life eternal in the presence of their god, but rather that they get to sit up there in the clouds safe and warm and happy and laugh at all those down below burning in eternal torment. That's how they see America, paradise, with a wall around it to keep all the people their god hates out. 

Speaking of god, they're mad because they're not allowed to impose their miserable religion on the rest of us. 

It's not that they really believe -- because if they did, well, they'd be very different people. Not one of the holy men they hold up as paragons of virtue and piety really believes. Not one of those holy men live the life they demand of us. They wallow in greed, gluttony, avarice, pride, lust, sloth, and their sermons are daily filled with wrath. No, again, it's about power, control, force. It's about bending others to their will. They're enraged when we don't live up their god's law, but they themselves never could -- or even try. 

They're mad that their children might have a better world than they did. They truly seem to believe that if their children do not suffer the deprivations and injustice they themselves did, it will somehow make the next generation soft, weak, unmanly -- because misery and injustice are the only way they can envision strength. Don't show your ass, they tell their children, meaning don't get above yourself, don't think you're better than me, if it was good enough for your father, it's good enough for you. 

Most of these people don't even know why they're mad. 

They literally have to make up things to be mad at. 

They're mad at whatever some rich guy on TV tells them to be mad at, they don't care why. 

They're mad at the war on Christmas. They're mad at the idea of electric cars. They're mad because our roads and bridges might get rebuilt. They're mad because Obama wore a tan suit and likes fancy mustard on his burger. They're mad because other nations no longer bow and scrape at the feet of America. They're mad at science. They're mad because America currently has the lowest unemployment rate since WWII and people don't have to take slave wage jobs if they don't want to. They're mad at the idea of energy that doesn't destroy the environment. They're mad because somebody told them to get a simple and easy vaccine, for free. They're mad at the idea a rich man might have to pay his fair share. They're mad about wind turbines. They're mad anyone should propose any solution to any problem that doesn't involve violence and guns. They're mad a black man took a knee. They're mad about a trade war they started. They're mad because a phony audit they demanded determined that Trump lost the election by even more. They're mad at any face, any language, any culture, any history different than their own. 

They're mad at everything, there is literally nothing that these people aren't mad about. 

They're addicted to being mad. 

They don't know how to be not mad anymore. 

Most of all, they're mad at the idea of community.

They dismiss the very idea of it. 

They hold up their miserable malformed greedy selfishness as some sort of virtue and rage in red-faced yellow-eyed spittle-flecked fury at the very idea of any good greater than themselves.

Most of these people are better off -- even now -- than the majority of human beings at any point in history. They have more freedom, more liberty, more leisure time, more to eat, more luxury, more of everything. They sit at home, screaming at the internet, watching 900 channels on their 70 inch UHD TV, smoking $400 worth of cigarettes each week, while some underpaid gig-economy Door Dasher delivers 5000 calories of Carl's Jr to their front porch, and they feel persecuted, thrown to the lions, diminished, demeaned, because Tucker Carlson told them Joe Biden wants them to have healthcare. 

Maybe that's why they're so mad. 

They don't have anything else to make them feel alive. 


  1. Amen. Remember that "basket of deplorables" comment that got everyone so mad? Well, here they are....acting deplorably.

    1. The only reason they were mad about the "basket of deplorables" comment was because it was accurate.

      (And because Hilary said it, they're mad about every word that ever came out of her mouth plus they're mad about all the fake conspiracies they made up about her.)

    2. To go a step further than Clinton's comment from 2016...... Trump brought out into the light of day America's lowest common denominator for all the World to see. It's terrifying. I've been following the bios of the Jan 6th insurrectionists and it is alarming to see how many of these Trump supporters have prior criminal histories, some of them quite serious, and many of them didn't even vote in past elections. As I was watching the insurrection live I kept thinking that the National Guard was going to emerge on the scene from...... I dunno, somewhere, and arrest these people. I don't see a bright future for America. I'm a grandfather of 4 little girls and I don't see a future for them in this Nation that will be devolve into a country governed by religious zealots and firearm fanatics, aka Boebert, Gates, Tayor-Green clones with GEDs, and promoted by the broadcast tabloids. We're going under, and I predict that America will elect another autocrat within a decade.

    3. Personally, this is the most pressure-relieving post you could have written at this point in our history. You can summarize directly to the center of the target like no other. Thank You!

    4. The thing to remember about that comment is that she said half of conservatives were deplorable and half had unaddressed economic issues.

      You never hear any conservatives say they are in the non-deplorable half.

    5. Absolutely! Of they dont want to live tge life that Jesus mapped out for them then they need to STOP calling themselves "Christians". They are followers of some evil demon, not Jesus.

  2. I am afraid you are tight, Jim. I feel sorry for them, wallowing in their pettiness. But inwant them to face justice anyway.

  3. "Speaking of god, they're mad because they're not allowed to impose their miserable religion on the rest of us."

    And their miserable religion is self satisfied greed. "I got mine! So screw you!"

  4. I so wish I could say you're wrong but that would be dishonest.

  5. Welcome back Jim spot on as usual

  6. They disgust ne. They would deny me my career. They would deny me my life. Idit fuckwits, I flew the Nimrod ASW aircraft, the C-130 Transport, the Dominie Navigational Trainer (as an Instructor) Nigational Trainer and the Jetstream Advanced Pilot Trainer(as a Qualified Flying Instructor). I have been told repeateadly that women ca't do such'. Funny old thing that the RAF rated me Above the Average.

    I am so sick of these misogynist arseholes.

    1. To say nothing of of spending a year in Vietnam as a ground combat Infantryman during 1968 like I did awarded over a dozen decorations including two Purple Heart medals, as a draftee no less. Oh, how many enemy were women as well? Nothing more humbling than several battles and firefights but, surprise, none of these righties were ever there. Once had a commercial airline flight. After landing the announcement came over the intercom by the co-pilot informing us the Captain was a Ms. someone and she welcomed us to our destination. As we deplaned I complimented her on the best, smoothest most professional flight I had ever been on. She beamed with pride beside her male partner. The difference between Mr. trump and Jane Fonda? Jane Fonda actually went to Vietnam.

    2. They are indeed misogynist areseholes. I hit several of their buttons: female (who had a successful career in one of their favorite governmental entities, law enforcement), non-binary (although I'm old enough to say that I am just a dyke), and non-Christian. I don't want to live in their "Christian" world that is nothing like that of which their Christ spoke.

  7. Kevin and I have discussed all of this between us repeatedly over the last few years, and we've come up with the exact same conclusions, Jim. They may be a minority of our fellow citizens, but they are a very loud minority. They are dangerous precisely because they adhere to a politics of dehumanization, of Othering. We've observed that it doesn't take much for folks who think this way to turn on their own family members if said family member disagrees with them forthrightly or otherwise thinks for themselves and lives accordingly. For myself, I simply do not know if democracy can survive if a sizable minority believes in a politics of Othering and practices it to its logical conclusion. I confess to being afraid, angry, and deeply saddened. But I am also determined. I can't do much beyond speaking out, choosing candidates to support with careful analysis, and bearing witness, but I'll do those things as long as I can, even if the price proves to be higher than I'd like. What the hell else can I do? Giving up is not an option.

  8. You are an excellent writer. Not only do I agree with what you say, I LOVE the WAY you say it!

  9. I know these people. I've known them for a long time. I know them because I've been welcome in the room. Because I look like them. My fucking tribe.
    When Trump won liberals were knocked into navel gazing. As is their wont.
    What did they miss? What pain had they overlooked? What changed that they missed?
    Nothing changed. Nothing about these people changed.


    What did change is a gilded loudmouthed avatar of all their awfulness gave them something to channel all their twisted up, primitive instinct to dominate into.

    And now they're like curs that have tasted blood.
    It doesn't end well.

    1. Absolutely spot on, they haven’t changed a bit… just gotten far louder and more open about it

    2. Indeed. You are unfortunately correct. I do not know where this will end.

  10. They're not mad as much as they are frightened, and lashing out. Conservatives by definition are frightened of change. And change is coming.

    1. These people aren't conservatives. They are authoritarians, they do fear change and they slavishly follow trump because he gives them permission to let out their ugliness, their hatred and fear, racism and bigotry and label it "patriotism".

      Real conservatives were people like George H.M. Bush, Bob Dole and John McCain, they didn't fear change, they understood the value of compromise and working with people across the aisle. While I disagreed with them, they were not the obstructionist, power mad GOP as it is today.

      The GOP has been taken over by people who lust only for money and power and trump showed them how to harness the votes of the authoritarians as a means to retain and increase their money and power and prevent any change that might reduce those things.

  11. Best and most accurate rant to date. The sum of it all. The crux of the biscuit. I'm afraid for my country and for myself but most of all for my kids and grandkids and for our beautiful planet home.I fear we are well and truly fucked here.

  12. Saw "Impeach Biden" and "Go Brandon" bumper stickers on a Ford Pickup yesterday in the local unincorporated municipal area that has half a dozen fundamentalist churches, and only one bar. But they have no reason to impeach Biden, by his actions. They just hate him. I hated Trump, but I have a list of his actions to back up my hate. There are two bridges between our house and the mainland. I'm a retired SAR Coxswain, but I find myself thinking more like an infantry sergeant. I find it disturbing.

    1. Our area is full of those big pick-ups flying their flags: Stars and Bars, the National Colors, various flavors of pro tRump and anti Biden. I'm a retired cop thinking more like an infantry sergeant as well.

  13. If Trump had succeeded in his coup attempt -- or if a future attempt should succeed -- what does the minority who support fascism expect to happen? That those they deride as "sheep" will quietly do as told?
    It would be ugly, but I do not think it will play out the way it does in their dreams.

  14. America lost it's way starting with the Reagan era. The only way to get back to being a "nation" is to end the GOP... as we see it today. Thx Jim.

  15. It speaks volumes when you, your years of service, your knowledge of most things military,speak the word Treason. People throw that word around on social media but when someone who actually knows what the word means is mentioned by you, I will listen. Everyone needs to listen.

  16. You've said what's been on my own mind for way too long! Hiding behind their "Christian" religion is the worst. Jesus would roll over in his grave if he could see the current state of Christianity.

    1. Assuming he is in a grave somewhere. The Christians do claim he isn't, but they way they've behaved recently makes people less likely to believe it, just because they said it. If it's true, maybe he can be spinning at the right hand of God, or something similar.

  17. You are speaking from my soul and I am literally weeping that someone understands. Now, help me even more: I vote, I try to persuade others to vote, I volunteer, I write letters, I donate. What else can I do to help change this? I fear it is too late.

  18. And it's bleeding into their children. My nephew's school went on lockdown because two dudes got in a fight in cafeteria and one pulled a gun. Then I read in several other schools in California today guns confiscated from kids in school. Trickle down societal hate and angst.

  19. Well said Jim! We can match their mad and defeat it. I think they are out numbered.

  20. I personally believe it's fear, manifested in anger. They're afraid of what they don't understand, of anything or anyone different, of losing the status quo.

    1. I think you are right with the fear. But anger and lashing out whatever the underlying cause is still destructive.

    2. What makes it worse is that they don't understand anything.

  21. Well said, sir. I would love to share this but the people I know who NEED to read it, will not. and if by chance they do? There will be counterpoints to every single thing....Biden and Obama and Hillary will be mentioned. and they will feel justified by what they write or say. I just can't even anymore. Thank you, Jim, for putting into words how I feel and having so many who, like me, feel better by reading those words.

  22. It's sad, and tragic, and frightening, and destructive. They follow a Christianity I don't recognize, and an idea of government of, by, and for the oligarchy that I don't recognize except from history books.

  23. You are so right and said it quite well. You never let us down.

  24. As ever, the proverbial mail hit on the head. It’s not America to them, it’s aMErica.

  25. As usual, the proverbial nail struck on the head. It’s not America to these people, it’s aMErica.

  26. 36 hours and counting of Fox floating multiple trial balloons of why the Foxstag Fire was caused directly or indirectly by the left.

    Would I be surprised to learn that Tuck or Sean paid a homeless guy $100 to flick a Bic? No I would not. Pick any lie, just keep 'em mad

    1. I'm suspecting a setup as well. Fake trees shouldn't burn; they certainly shouldn't burn like that. The Fox crowd loves conspiracy theories but this invites them.

  27. They urine tested me for pot all my life to get a job, and now stopping the Covid variations is a violation of their civil rights.

  28. Thanks and keep up the good work

  29. I hope DJT babbles for hours when they go over the documentation about his plans with his cronies to overthrow the Constitution. I am putting a bet on at the casino here in Vegas that he flees the country because he can't bear the thought of being officially humiliated as a traitor.

  30. They listen closely to those who whip them up into fear. Fear of others, fear of someone having more, fear of knowledge, fear of someone else winning, fear of anything and everything. If you want someone to be angry and to hate, first you make them fearful. Then you give them a gun to restore their feeling of power. Then you stand back and let them do your dirty work for you. While you greedily grab their hard-earned money as 'donations' for the cause. Pity the puppets who cannot see the strings.

  31. What has to happen in a person's life to be that mad all the time? What does that do to a person's brain chemistry when nothing but aggression permeates every thought and feeling? They like to sling the word snowflake around like an insult, but its just their own fragility they're masking. I don't think I've ever met a more fearful group of people than conservatives. Are they mad because they are so afraid all the time, or afraid because they are mad all the time?

    1. That's the problem with social media - and why I dumped Twitter and Facebook.

      When you consume a steady diet of a product that, by design, pokes the "lizard brain" over and over again, you become enraged (the better to "BUY NOW!!!"). I recognized the trait in myself and eliminated the product from my life just as I did when I quit smoking (another detrimental, addictive habit that I had in my younger days). I am happier for dumping that shit over the side.

  32. Also, executive privilege would not apply to activities outside the scope of the Presidency, itself. Running for the Office does not qualify, whether he won, or not. And, illegal activity is RIGHT OUT of the scope of the privilege. So, nothing to do with that day would be covered.

  33. They're running on pure fear now. Fear of "the other." Fear of "outsiders." Fear of anyone who's different than them. And mostly, because they see the day coming when whites will be a minority, and they're petrified with fear that they'll be treated the same way they've been treating present-day minorities.

  34. "It's not that they really believe" - you've hit the nail squarely on the head. They don't even believe in themselves!

  35. Right on! Well said, as always! Thank you for articulating what "we the people" demand to know

  36. I don't detest or hate them. we, all the other people of the world just don't like them anymore. The hate and rage tsunami that Reagan (and Thatcher) started 1980 is now forming a big rage wave that potentially ruin all that the angry people want, the consumerism, the adornment of rich moron, the life they wish they had, everything that the deep state actually is about, the narcistic, selfish world of one. But the mad people cannot see it that they are the ones who actually commit all the shit they blame others for. It would be easy to say fuck'em, the problem is thay will take all of us down, create a caos order that humanity have tried to avoid for 20 000 years

  37. I have seen this anger up close, in a context* where expressing strong sentiment was jarringly inappropriate, like finding a blasting cap in my box of Cheerios. I will admit to being frightened and it was not even directed at me. Apparently any human interaction is seen as an opportunity to preach the gospel of hate.

    *I was shopping for sneakers in a tiny shop in a tiny town. The owner was waiting on me and lost his shit when a news person on the tv mentioned Obamacare.

  38. As always, I agree with you--except on one point:
    "They sit at home, screaming at the internet, watching 900 channels on their 70 inch UHD TV"

    They're only watching one channel. And we all know which one. The other channels are filled with dangerous ideas and Hollywood librul elites that have scary thoughts and eddications.

  39. Well said, Chief. These dangerous wingnuts are a threat to our democracy, and the masses are sucking up the vitriol like liquor. That the hate that tickles their collective amygdalae feeds their souls is scary.

  40. This is everything I see, but, you say so much better. Thank you as always for your invaluable insight.

  41. Pretty good description of Les Déplorables.

  42. Hate is all they’ve got left.
    Thanks Chief!

  43. A.C. Is my hometown. Your title was spot on.Thanks Chief!

  44. I've often said they hate everyone, even themselves

  45. Thank you. Your posts keep me going.

  46. This is a great distillation of where we are. The promulgators of the insurrection want the country to go back to the way it was before women and minorities were recognized as equals to white men, specifically white men with money. Look at how the newly constituted SCOTUS is ruling as an indication of what they want going forward. Why is the filibuster so cherished? Because it allows a minority to deny the desires of the majority.

  47. Thank you Jim, no one could have put it better!

  48. They are indeed mad in every sense of the word.

  49. You nailed it. And they're angry because they've been TOLD to be angry. If you look at Faux News or other conservative propagandist outlets, you'll see just how carefully the outrage is manufactured, served up on pewter platters holding tureens filled with bile and white privilege. Conservatives have always been selfish, but they haven't been clinically insane until the last couple of decades. Any coincidence this timeframe corresponds to the rise of Rupert Murdoch landing on America's shores, and immediately shitting on it? Yeah, I didn't think so either.

  50. I am also full of rage and sorrow. You express is so well. I wonder if the Trumpies focus on the rage because they are afraid of the sadness of their little lives, so disconnected from community. So lacking in trust and kindness.

  51. Hey, if President Obama was not impeached, convicted, hung, drawn and quartered for the horrendous offense of wearing a tan suit, why should Trump be out of office just because he lost the election and conspired to overthrow the lawful government of the United States?

  52. This scenario is so true.

    Fox News should change the name of their network to the title of the Shakespeare play: Much Ado About Nothing.
    I often post on FB or Twitter that those of us who live in NY, NYC and NJ have watched the Trump Shitshow for over 40 years. And we did try to warn.

  53. My friend Lisa said that if you are a Christian who voted for Trump, you were deceived into voting for Mammon and a moneychanger. He's a perfect example of the people Christ kicked out of the temple. So yes, it's no wonder these people are mad. They got conned.

  54. The word 'guilty' has really been taken for a ride. Guilt is getting harder to adjudicate, and not since the Trump years exclusively. The 'cut and dried' version of guilt has taken on many shades. Only in a jury trial, where a person is guilty or not guilty, are there sufficient means to examine the case thoroughly. In the court of popular opinion, guilt does not carry the stigma. In fact, guilt seems permutable. The question then remains: how much of guilt is enough to offset the trolling force of the word to right itself from the inertia pushing it under the tables of both guilt and innocence scales?

  55. Thanks again for your sanity and truth in an insane and deceitful America!!!

  56. I blame Jerry Springer, Duck Dynasty and Honey Boo Boo for the long decent into stupidity. The Kardashians didn't help. It glamorized ignorance, and depicted to the world that this was how Americans lived and acted. And suddenly, it was so. That shyte should have been shunned. Not embraced.

    1. I believe that the glorification of ignorance, crassness, banality, etc. predates Springer, et al. (there has always been a stream of such nonsense in the US) but the rise of cable TV increase the rate a spread and the normalization of behavior that, in the past, would be viewed with pity if not outright disdain. Neil Postman argued as much in "Amusing Ourselves to Death" - a very interesting read.

      I'm not sure about a solution - I do my infinitesimal part by not consuming such programming, avoiding any product tainted by the Murdoch empire, etc. but I know I'm "pissing in the ocean." The bottom line is that the normalization of such base behavior will not change until it stops making money for the powers that be.

    2. Stupid has been with us and glorified since the days of the Three Stooges, silent movies, "My Mother the Car" and Dumb and Dumber. Red Green and his maroon of a nephew. With computers we get to watch all this stuff, for some of us for the first time, and that particular mentality somehow gets wired into the kind of brain that has little else to occupy it. Wilbur the Talking horse who was brighter than his owner. yep.
      I guess all we can do is learn to outlive 'em and hope they don't set themselves on fire in our backyard...

  57. They are wallowing in the Old Testament stories of God's wrath (floods, famines and frogs) but they pull Jesus out of the New Testament and ignore everything he said.

    1. Yep - the CHRISTIANITY(tm) folks don't really like the New Testament part that much. They more invested in the "smiting" parts of the Old Testament than in the "love they neighbor" parts of the New.

  58. I've been saying much of this for quite a long time (though of course as usual you said it.mich better). The Era of the privileged white male is slowly coming to an end. Those who understand that equality is better for EVERYONE got it and support it. Those for whom privilege was all they had are like toddlers who have to learn to share their toys. The tantrums are,.in fact, very sumilar.


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