Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Recap: November 3, 2021


This morning, like you I suspect, I'm disappointed.

The election results are not what I'd hoped they'd be today, but I can't honestly say that I am surprised.

I doubt you are either. We are a year into the Biden presidency the big promises are still unfulfilled. There hasn't been enough progress, or any really. Right?  Biden hasn't been able to force through his big agenda.

Trump is out of office but things haven't really gotten better. Not really. Have they? Everywhere you look hate is on the rise, civil rights are under attack, and hysterical conspiracy rules the day.

Naturally, you're disappointed. 

Democrats are disappointed by the lack of progress and Republicans are -- to use a Republican term -- emboldened. 

Republicans are motivated. 

Democrats are not.

Now, it would be great if the previous four years had galvanized America. 

I mean, if America had looked at Trump and said, whoa, hang on, this is nuts. This isn't the future we want, this isn't the world we want to leave our kids. This hard shift towards rightwing extremism, this normalization of lunacy and conspiracy theory as fact, man, history has shown us repeatedly what happens when you go down that road. No. Stop. Back up. We're not having any of that, goddammit. 

But that's not what happened. 

Predictably, that's not what happened. 

Because to a lot of Americans, that future looked good.

Just as that future looked good to ordinary Germans in the first years of the Third Reich. 

America for Americans, right? 

Sure. Who doesn't want that. So long as you get to decide what a real "American" is. 

Democracy for all people. Sounds good. So long as you get to decide which people are "people" and which ones aren't. And so long as they vote in the manner you approve of. So long as your guy and your ideology always wins. For a lot of people, that's the kind of democracy they think they want. 

Law and order so long as you get to decide what the laws are and who they apply to -- and who they don't. So long as that civil order benefits you at the expense of others because for many Americans, rights are a zero-sum and if others get more they feel like they're getting less. Because in a society that values profit above all else, human value is relative and your self-worth is quantified by your perceived superiority to others and so if there's no one to look down on, there's no way to feel good about yourself. Capitalism sucks if everyone has the same value, and that right there is the very crux of their visceral terror at the idea of socialism. 

Peace and prosperity for all, for the whole world, so long as everyone understands who's in charge and that America comes first. So long as those of inferior humanity remember their place. So long as you are the most powerful, because might makes right and a nation's greatness is measured in the size and power of its military and thus its ability to impose its will on the world and compel respect by force

Like the Germans of the 1920s, that's the future a lot of Americans here and now in the 2020s think they want. 

Of course, that's also the future a lot of Americans don't want. 

And enough of the latter showed up in 2020 that we, maybe, changed our future. 

But Joe Biden isn't Barack Obama and his win wasn't a landslide and the future is never certain. 

Biden doesn't inspire. He's not charismatic as Obama was -- or Trump. Biden is just not that kind of guy and his win wasn't so much enthusiasm as it was a repudiation of the future Donald Trump offered America. 

But it was a close thing.

And it's not over. 

And that vision of America described up above is still very much a possibility. 

Biden made some big promises.

Democrats made some big promises.

Their hold on power right now is tenuous at best, as yesterday's election clearly demonstrated. 

But then, it always is. 

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
That quote is often misattributed to Irish statesman Edmund Burke. He never said that, or at least if he did there's no record of it among his prolific writings, but he did say something similar in his 1770 Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discontents: "When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle."

They will fall one by one in the contemptible struggle, indeed and the more things change, eh? 

Burke is right. And so is that first quote. 

The only thing necessary for America to become Germany of the 1930 is for us to do nothing. 

To do nothing because we are not inspired. 

To do nothing because we are disappointed. 

To do nothing because Joe Biden, Democrats, made some big promises and they haven't delivered. 

Of course you're disappointed. Of course you are. And of course the opposition is emboldened by your disappointment and the supposed failure of Joe Biden to deliver on his promises. Of course. 

But this is normal. It's only been a year...

What's that? 


Yes, I know. I know. A year is a long, long time in this age of instant gratification, in this age of Twitter and Facebook and the relentless torrent of news and information and disappointment. 

It is. 

But in the grand scheme of things, it's not that long. A lot of you were disappointed by the first year of Obama's presidency too. And Obama had a hell of a lot better support in Congress from his own party than Biden does. 

It's natural, normal, predictable, to be disappointed that Democrats have not, yet, delivered on their great promises. 

Progress is slow. Too damn slow. Of course it is. Especially in the face of fanatical resistance and partisan opposition, when you have to overcome both homegrown conspiracies and foreign influence, the machinations of dark money and invisible influence -- and especially the selfish obstruction of your own, supposed, allies. Pragmatically, you must realize that.  

Nevertheless, we want what we were promised and we're tired of excuses, tired of waiting, are we not? 

Damn right we are. 

Thus, this morning's election results were completely predictable. 

But that future does not have to be our future.  

The election results are a warning to Joe Biden and Democrats, indeed all Americans.

A warning, NOT fate.

Biden and Congressional Democrats need to deliver on their promises, big and small. 

They need to do what it takes, whatever it takes, and deliver voting rights legislation, deliver a modern infrastructure that will serve America for the next 100 years, deliver renewable clean energy independence, deliver good jobs and a living wage, deliver sane and rational international relations and foreign trade, and, yes, they must directly address Conservative concerns regarding immigration and national security (in a manner that we can all live with). 

Some of those things will take years and perhaps another Democratic term and maybe a better leader than Joe Biden, but some of that agenda must happen now (voting rights, for example), or yesterday's election will be the future of America. 

The clock is running out and it's damn easy to give in to disappointment.

But it's in that dark hour when you find out what you're really made of. 

And if you want that better future, then now is the time to be a better citizen.


  1. Brilliant as always. I can't thank you enough for being a constant voice of reason amidst the storm.

  2. As long as the Democrats fail to see that the GOP is no longer a political party with any interest in serving this country rather than themselves, the slide to fascism seems inevitable.

    1. You think Democrats fail to see that...?

    2. If they did, they'd stop waiting for GOP colleagues to do the right thing after 10 years. They'd abolish the filibuster and get stuff done.

  3. Replies
    1. Now is the time to pay attention. As citizens we can NOT afford to look away any longer. The massive mental decline is an entire American political party...

  4. Thank for reminding me that this is far from over. Woke up in a foul mood, severely pessimistic about the future. But it isn't over.

  5. Thank you for this. You keep hope alive.

  6. It would also help if they started prosecuting the insurrectionists and EVERYONE who still supports the Big Lie.

    1. ...and the sooner the better, the gaetzs' and greenes' of their cult need to be locked up...

    2. I read yesterday that at least 8 of the Republicans elected this week were in attendance at the Jan 6 attack.

      We aren't prosecuting them for betraying us; we are electing them to lead us.

  7. Thank you Jim. It's hard to find hope right now.

  8. I agree with everything you say here, but, yes, I am disappointed and I ache in every muscle and joint that the process is so slow (realizing that a year is a very short time). I grieve for the US that I thought I lived in. Much to my chagrin and terror, that US does not exist, certainly not today. But I will fight the good fight, write letters, donate, vote. No self-respect unless I do. Thank you for your contributions to my sanity.

  9. Hopefully, the '21 election was the wake-up call that the Dems in D.C. need to hear and to realize that the house is still on fire, nobody across the aisle is going to come around and try to legislate, and the GQP is bent on the destruction of democracy. Biden Year 2: break the filibuster, expand SCOTUS, DC and PR statehood. Do it!

  10. It's ok I will continue to march to the beat of my own drum. BTW I think you mean November 3 not October...

  11. We must find a way to step from disappointment to motivation to make it better.

  12. If ever I needed you, it's now. I do support you with a little each month. I'm increasing it. Thank you.

  13. Thank you, Jim, for the insight and encouragement, as usual. Now is always the time to be a better citizen. It's discouraging, though, that too many citizens remain complacent, unmotivated, or downright ignorant when it comes to America's future. As you say, the clock is ticking.

  14. The only way to get anything done is to hold 52 Senate seats. I don't see any other path forward.

    1. Nope. In reality, we're going to need about 70(!) Senate seated - a filibuster/veto proof majority, or a good handful of Republicans are going to need to grow a conscience (and a spine) and tell Mitch to "go pound sand".

    2. Statehood for DC with 2 new senate seats would be a great start!

  15. The speed to get things done has been hampered by Covid, and the ER crush caused by antivaxxers. Antivaxxers are distorting the system and Moscow Mitch and cohorts are whipping them on; all the while blocking all legislation to move the country forward.

  16. A local radio station here based in northern Georgia had a talking heads morning show throw in a subtle, "Yeah, but Let's go Brandon won yesterday." It was easy to picture the shit smile on his face. Now I've said out loud and on social media platforms, "Fuck Trump" numerous times, because, well Fuck Trump and I didn't need any childish 'code' to blurt it out.

  17. I’m hoping….
    I don’t blame President Biden
    I blame the fragile white folks.
    (I’m almost as white as rice)
    The fear mongering from Youngkin and the 🍊💩.
    The absolute stupidity of white folks who fell for it.

  18. Please know that since we can't "like" your column daily doesn't mean we are not reading it. We really appreciate it and please know we "like" it a lot.

  19. Uh?! Shouldn't it be "November 3rd, 2021" or "November 9th, 2022" perhaps...

  20. As long as democrats continue to shoot themselves in the foot with messaging (e.g. Defund the Police, Critical Race Theory) they will continue to struggle. Perfect catch phrases to grab attention. Too often negative attention.

    1. Agreed. Democrats need to get vastly better at messaging. But they probably won't.


    2. "Critical Race Theory" is all over Fox; it's not a Democratic thing. Even "Defund the Police" was blown up by the right and not a big issue for Democrats.

  21. Obviously, there is something not resonating with the Independents, of which I am one. The Democrats and Republicans voted accordingly down party lines, but it was the Independents who swayed right and gave the victory to the Republicans. Yes I'm disappointed, but this slide into authoritarianism isn't fated or sealed in stone. I just need to lick my wounds a little today. Tomorrow, back on the horse.

  22. Excellent piece, as always. I'm disappointed but not even close to giving up.

  23. I totally agree. This morning I heard on a radio show a bunch of democrats saying that "the people have spoken, and democrats need to listen and change our policy directions." I thought that was ridiculous. We need to listen and GET THINGS DONE!

    1. Correct. They don't need to change direction, they need to get to the destination.


  24. The GOP has slid past the KKK and is now openly fascist.
    And where is the price to be paid for treachery?

  25. We really do, though, need to adapt to the fact that we are not dealing with a traditional political party anymore. We are dealing with a walking talking hypocrisy, a shell-game of the very worst sort. The Republican party has no interest in serving its constituents, nor its country; it is as pure a self-serving machine as any single-celled parasite, as any virus.

    No wonder they're so pro-COVID. It's a family member.

  26. great analysis and advice... as always.

  27. ". . . so if there's no one to look down on, there's no way to feel good about yourself."

    That's the whole thing, isn't it? That's what drives these people. Wonder how to turn that car around . . .

    Thanks for the perspective and reality check. It's tough to not catastrophize too much when things are *looks around at the dumpster fire that is life* kind of catastrophic.

  28. Disappointed? Yes.
    Discouraged? No, not quite.
    Frustrated? Hell yes, in particular with certain "Democrats" who seem to be more interested in saving money than finding solutions.
    So, time to buckle in, fire up the keyboard, and keep the pressure on them, saying, "Look, bub, sometimes YOU need to be the one who compromises. If you claim to support the same principles as the rest of the Democratic party, suck it up and bend... just a little fucking bit."

  29. I don't know what we would do without your writings, Jim. Speaking for myself, you help keep me sane in this mad world.

  30. Let us all hope that these early elections serve as a wake-up call to the Democratic leaders, who need to see the Republican Party and its leaders as they are, and not as they may have been in past decades.

  31. Well said..this is the message we need to get out ..

  32. Why can't democrats think like you. I'm an independent with progressive (dirty word?)views and am deeply disappointed in the current abrogation.

    1. I don't know. Maybe because I'm not a democrat (I'm also not a republican).


  33. The inability of the Democrats to get out of their own way is both mesmerizing and frightening. A fantastic read as always. Thanks!

  34. Personally, I put us in the early 1930s on the “Nazism trajectory” timeline, and the longer we go without any action the closer to 1933 we come.

  35. I'm really grateful that I came across your writing on fb some time ago, because you always give me that perspective that I need but can rarely clear my head enough to find for myself any more in this convoluted time and place.

  36. Thank you for being that voice of reason and kindling hope. Warnings come before outcomes so that you can do the right thing.

  37. I hope I'm not the first. Shouldn't the head be, Recap: November 3, 2021?

  38. It boggles my mind that the Democratic party does little to nothing in terms of messaging and PR. They should be trumpeting vaccination rates, falling Covid fatalities (where applicable), their amazing success in negotiating and enacting a relatively organized pull out of Afghanistan despite Trump's reckless deal with terrorists (I know, not perfect, but so much better than it could have been).
    The Democratic party needs to take the gloves off and become much more assertive.

  39. This commentary echoes the TLP position (The Lincoln Project). It is contended that Democrats want so badly for everyone to play fair, but Trump's people (neo-GOP)have no interest in playing by any rules. The question I've seen no answer for is, "should the mindset of Democrats change to protect Democracy and if so then how, if staying the course appears doomed to an autocratic fascist regime?".

  40. Thank you for pulling me out of my despair. I hope with all my heart that what our country is leaning toward will reverse and decency will prevail. Your writing about the struggle helps me.

  41. thanks Jim I really needed that, a little ashamed at myself for getting on my own pity pot, time to get back to work and see we DON'T turn into a fascist nation, and BTW you have the wrong date on your article

  42. The 2022 and 2024 elections will determine whether this country falls into full blown fascism. Right now I give our odds at 50/50, so there is room for both optimism and pessimism.

    Reminds me of one of my favorite aphorisms:

    An optimist believes we can create the best of all possible worlds. A pessimist believes we already have...

    And change is the only certainty.

  43. It feels a little like the boy with his finger in the dyke. But there are two boys: Joe Manchin & Malibu Barbie Sinema. Meanwhile progress & infrastructure & voting rights protections & social safety net programs are the waters behind the dam. It's so close we can taste it. And one Senator from an inconsequential state & another Senator playing dress-up are enjoying their 15 minutes as they rake in the bribes.

  44. I am not disappointed. I AM PISSED. I am sick and tired of Democrats (of whom I am one) not being able to get their shit together and govern. Can you imagine if the infrastructure bills had passed? If Manchin and Synema had gotten off their high horses and actually compromised? Because the Progressives did. They went from $3 trillion to $1.75 trillion and those two still won't get on board. If we had accomplished that, Biden's numbers would be sky high and we could have pulled it off. But no.
    I hope this gives everybody the kick in the ass they need for 2022 but right now I am not state is in the process of drawing up the new map and I am afraid we will lose some really quality people. I hope not and I will work my ass off to support Debbie Dingell and my local reps but today I am discouraged. Not because the other guys won but because we lost.

  45. Thank you. I needed a dose of perspective!

  46. What is our Plan B? What if Manchin prevent the Dems from delivering on their promises and Republicans voter suppress their way to power again?

  47. Ending my 8th decade of life and entering the 9th, I have found that your writing helps me think straight and speak out more. Thank you for helping me focus.

  48. Yes I'm disappointed. But no, I am NOT giving up. For the most part our local election went well, my friend who was running for the first time lost to a county good ol' boy, but the rest of my candidates won. I do what I can. Thanks for the analysis, and I hope we all heed the wake up call.

  49. Thanks! And it's worth remembering that Biden and the Democratic Congress have delivered $2.2 trillion from the CARES act, another trillion that is essentially guaranteed in the infrastructure bill that passed the Senate, and while the "Build Back Better" bill is getting pared down, it is definitely not dead. And even if it only brings the total to around 4 trillion, that's going to help a lot of people.

    It's certainly not *enough*, but it's definitely not nothing.

  50. Should that be November, not October?

  51. I assume you mean Recap: November 3, right?

    1. I was just checking to see who was paying attention. Good job.


  52. Our losses are a lesson in what NOT to repeat going forward. Our wins, and there were several last night (6 mayoral races, a handful of state house races and a special election for a House seat in OH) should be the lessons for the path forward. Time to be better citizens. Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country. Thanks for that reminder

  53. Thank you. My disappointment lies in moderate democrats.

  54. Thank you Jim. That is something we all needed to hear right now. Be a better citizen.

  55. Thank you, I really need that perspective today when it feels like the country's getting more fucked by the day and everything is terrible and there is no good news anymore ever. I will soldier on and make damn sure my voice is counted in the midterms, not that it will make much of a dent in my lovely, red state of Montana. It is so much more work to build than it is to destroy and the Republican Party is sure as shit not interested in building a damn thing (unless it's something to benefit the rich), so I really don't understand those whose disappointment leads them to forgo voting or even worse, voting for Republicans. Talk about self-defeating! The feet of progress and change walk ever so slowly, it's more of a very painful shuffle, really. Let's hope that the arc of the universe does eventually bend towards justice, rather than fascism.

  56. I am sorry I didn't discover you before. From Switzerland (but as a friend of the US due to my origins in the Caribbean) I thank you for your cogent analyses.

  57. The title want to be November, not October.

  58. Thank you for this perspective, always enjoy your posts. If we could get Manchin and Sinema to cooperate with Biden's agenda and also end the filibuster, we would be much further down the road at this point although this list of accomplishments is pretty intensive given it's only been 10 months.

  59. A little bit of uplifting never hurts. I absolutely hate being a progressive activist, but here we are.

  60. For some reason, wanting to be bipartisan, always willing to negotiate, always playing fair, doesn't seem to be working. I wonder why. It *always* works when you're dealing with the class bullies, doesn't it? Well, *doesn't* it?

  61. Democrats need to wake up and recognize that the big problems are being blocked by recalcitrant Republicans and a couple of sorry-ass excuses for Democrats who need their asses kicked. And the only way that will change is if we GO OUT AND VOTE. Everybody isn't going to get a pony, progress is better than nothing, and you don't have to be caught up in charisma to vote for a decent, experienced person to hold office.

  62. Title is Recap: October 3, 2021 - I think you meant November 3, 2021 ?

  63. I agree completely. Which brings up the real question: what the hell can I do about it?

    I mean, seriously: I vote in every election. I actively worked for Biden/Harris in 2020. I'll do the same for any non-fascist candidate in the midterms. But that hasn't been enough, has it? What the hell else can people like me do?

    That's not a rhetorical question. I feel helpless in the face of a rising tide of fascism. How can we stop it? Any suggestions?

  64. Well said.

    Some typos. (1) October in the title. (2) Burke was 18C, not 16C.

  65. Is it okay to share your blog on Facebook? Thanks I was unsure and don't want a boot in the ass

    1. You're welcome to share a link. Please don't cut and paste more than a sample of the text. Besides the copyright issue, I'm on shaky ground with Facebook as it is. //Jim

  66. Hey Jim -- change the date in the title. It would be warmer -- and the days would be longer -- if it were still October, but time marches on. Thanks, as always, for your well-considered commentary.

  67. Precisely. One of the big problems with these off-year elections is that so many people don't even realize there's a race, and don't know where to find the information. Plus, they think these local and state office races aren't that important. The reality, of course, is that state and local government is where the rubber really meets the road. Want a better community? Then vote in local elections. It's that simple.

  68. Joe Manchin is not making this easy.

  69. Shouldn't Biden be grooming a successor? Getting some Democrats with a vibrant personality into the public view for 2024. I suspect he will admit by then that a younger man might be preferred by the electorate. I'm not sure Harris fits the bill.

  70. Does anyone really, really believe the GOPhux are going to gi9ve Biden for the Dems to run on next year?
    Does anyone have any practicable solutions or plans to meet this exigency?

  71. It has only been nine months and more progress would have been made if not for two wolves in sheep’s clothing. The best thing is the traitor in chief is no longer there mucking up the Constitution on a daily basis.

  72. Thanks for a good pick me up this evening. The fight's not done, but it's going to be a long slog.

    And now for some hopeful venting: I think Manchin and Sinema will eventually vote for some kind of BBB. Without that, I'll be very depressed. When BBB and the infrastructure bill pass, I think we'll get a talking filibuster in place of the current version. Then Congress will pass Manchin's voting rights bill. With those three bills, I'll feel a lot better about keeping the fascists at bay for a few more years.

  73. Thank you Jim. You always help me focus my thoughts.

  74. I like this person's perspective. I don't think there is a way the Democratic Party as it is now, can course correct. But that's not me saying it's all their fault. Mainly the opposite.

    This piece fails to understand why Trump won in part. Because the elites have failed us and authoritarians offer absolutes that people can get behind. Though I disagree with all of that. Not really discussing why this shit happens doesn't help. And this is separate from covid. Although in a way tied if you count Biden winning that denied Trump another term. We will never know if just Biden could have won. I think that more than anything that burns alot of people up.

    It did still feel like a repeat of the DNC's 2016 machinations. But we'll never know I suppose. If another outcome could have occured with anyone but Biden for the Dems. It may have been the way. But he only campaigned for his ego and feeling of being owed it. And this article points out the pitfalls coming into being due to that.

    People can shit on the young but people don't decide to not vote just out of laziness. The Dems are as bought out as the Republicans. I don't like saying that but it is true.

    Even for my generation, we've seen an endless war in the middle east, the 2008 financial crash caused by wall street that went unpunished, and what happened last year. For most of us, just around the age of turning 30. For people younger than me, their cynicsm is warranted as well. The idea that people should fight in favor of a corrupt system is not appealing. And though the Republicans are worse... Dems have not prioritized what matters or shifted course on the things that bankrupt this country like military industrial complex spending. They pass that bullshit yearly with republicans. People see that and don't give a fuck for a reason. Not attacking you. Just pointing out obvious stuff.

    Even the covid related bail outs, most of the trillions went to companies who don't pay taxes. I know you pay attention. But issues like this matter to my generation, a bit older, and a bit younger ones as well. Meaningful action on any front is hard. But not even really trying is a big factor in why things are fucked.

    Extreme gerrymandering (which the supreme court refused to sort... pathetic) and restrictive voter laws throughout the country including everything passed since this year doesn't help. But in real terms, the Democrats not focusing on counteracting that on a federal level dooms our democracy more than the bill they can't pass due to Manchin and Sinema. And that is telling to a lot of people.

    They could use their reconcilation shot to ensure we have a democracy with the languishing civil rights bills by combining them together if need be but they aren't doing that.....

    They haven't even entertained that really. Disturbing.

    That matters to a lot of us more than infrastructure. Which matters a lot.

    (Fuck both of them--Manchin and Sinema though, obviously.)

    *Obviously, being the party trying to shake things up for the common good is harder. Along with faux socialism threats that are non existent among other shit. So I'm not forgetting that plays its role too.

    1. Reconciliation is part of the budget process, and there are rules about what can or cannot go into such a bill, as well as how often this workaround can be used. If the Democrats could include their voting rights legislation in this bill, I'm sure they would.

  75. Thanks.
    Fun to see the string of comments, "did you mean November".
    And the many replies, "yeah, it's fixed".

  76. I think I've read most of your posts here for 4 or 5 years, but I quit FB in '18, coz it is what it is, and I've only been in the twitter pool for a year, so I may have missed if you've addressed this or not. It kinda relates to the Burke quote and non-quote. I found this on twitter today, in a post about @Heidi_Cuda 's thread, that referenced the NATO Defense College's Handbook of Russian Information Warfare from 2016.
    Link -
    Seems something you are likely familiar with, so if you've already commented on it, please steer me towards that. If NATO knows this is going on, what have they been doing about it? Doesn't this seem to be the playbook Koch, Mercer, Murdoch, et al are using?
    Surely folks more connected than a semi-hermit in the middle of nowhere are aware of the depth and breadth of misinformation in the media, and that the Dems are really poor at the messaging game. When so many people are against things like the 3B bill & CRT without even knowing what they are, it is a messaging issue. David Roberts says it much more succinctly than I can -

    Thanks for putting in the effort you do in your writing. And your photography.

  77. Just joined your Patreon - what you write is so true to me, how I feel, and I wanted to show my appreciation. Thank you!

  78. We already are 1930.
    I like your .com format.

  79. Pragmatism, that's my religion, my philosophy, the basic clay from which I'm molded. It's a personality that is very effective for navigating life's disappointments. It sucks for any kind of aggressive push back outside of my pet peeves and makes ambition boring. I'm not proud of it sometimes. My suspicion is that the lion's share of those of us identifying as liberals or Democrats share some DNA on this. Combine that pragmatism with an unwillingness to get mean and dirty, (I'm nearly phobic about any behavior that mimics the current crop of political lunatics littering my life) and it becomes clear that we cannot win this battle with our dignity or prgmatism intact. Either we meet their underhanded tactics with our own, hypocrisy be damned, or we hire mercenaries to do it. I'm open to suggestions.

    Two things are really working me right now. 1. I'm exhausted by the stupidity and hypocrisy. 2. I've lost all faith in white suburban America to do what's right for everyone instead of what's right for themselves. Well, three things: The liberal media's obsessive doom and gloom every election is out of control. Tney need Zoloft.

  80. For me, what's disappointing and frustrating is the media coverage. Over and over it's "spelling doom for Democrats in 2022". Bullpucky.

    In my county of nearly 1M people, only 40,000 had issues on the ballot; no candidates, only propositions. Of those 40,000 people, only 20% showed up. One issue was tied, with 83 votes pro and con. This was an off-year election of off-year elections.

    I don't blame the Democratic candidates. I don't fault the platform.
    There aren't any unimportant elections. There is no "time off". EVERY election matters. And yes, your vote makes a difference.

  81. "Because to a lot of Americans, that future looked *good*."

    Or at least it didn't look bad enough. :/

  82. I worry if tRump and all the insurrectionists get away with Jan 6, democrats will not care to vote at all.

  83. Capitalism sucks if everyone has the same value, and that right there is the very crux of their

    visceral terror at the idea of socialism.

    OK, let's give a test to that your "troll rule".

    My first guess that it IS "those who say truth are nasty trolls" as it is all around the world.

    So, this my screed will not even appear.

    Returning to cited.
    Thing is... that is not "everyone has the same value" that matters.
    To make things. Things we all love to have.
    Like smartphones. And cars. And toothpaste tubes.
    That is produced with means of Mass-Production.
    And mass-production *NEEDS* amassing of finances, raw resources, bulky equipment and... man's labour.

    EQUALLY as under Capitalism as under Socialism.
    Well, Socialism EVEN GREATER in that respect.
    Whole nations can be sent chasing wild goses as everyday errand.
    (as it was with Mao in China, and his Extermination of All Pests bright idea)

    Well, NOW you can start crying "that is not true! that was wrong, not-socialism-at-all!!! Our True Socialism IS Different".

    Or... just show socialistic (means totalitarian) thwart of all and any dissent. And do not disclose this message even. :P

    1. Leaving aside your childish passive-aggressive demand to be heard, nothing you just said makes any sense.

      I'm tempted to give you the benefit of the doubt, since it appears you're working through some sort of language barrier, but I strongly suspect your misunderstanding of the OP is deliberate and you are, in point of fact, a troll.



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