Monday, January 26, 2015

Fool’s Gold


That's what they call it when you find traces of gold in a stream.

In the old days here in Alaska, the sourdoughs would pan the streams and rivers looking for that golden telltale, that glittering hint of treasure in the bottom of the pan. Color itself isn't worth much, just a thin thread of brightness among the mud and sand - but see, that color was a clue to greater things, a treasure map.

They'd follow the color upstream, through the twisting rivers and washes, to the source. The mother lode.

Color, that's what we're seeing now, we miners of political gold.

We're still far downstream from the mother lode of 2016, but already the mud in our pans is bordered in bright yellow.

And then there are the nuggets.

Things must change for our government. Look at it! It isn’t too big to fail. It’s too big to succeed! It's too big to succeed, so we can afford no retreads or nothing will change with the same people and same policies that got us into the status quo, another Latin word, status quo, and it stands for, “Man, the middle-class everyday Americans are really gettin’ taken for a ride!” That's status quo, and GOP leaders, by the way, y'know the man can only ride ya when your back is bent, so strengthen it, then the man can't ride ya, America won't be taken for a ride, because so much is at stake and we can't afford politicians playing games like nothing more is at stake than, oh, maybe just the next standing of theirs in the next election.

Jesus Jumping Christ!  I was a Navy codebreaker, an intelligence officer, I've had professional training and decades of experience, and I can't parse that gibberish.


Yes, I know. It's been killing you. Hasn't it?


For the last week, my inbox has been choked with queries, wondering why I haven't said anything.

I haven't said anything because last week when Sarah Palin declared her "interest" in running for president in 2016, it was just political color.  And you don’t get excited about color.

I was waiting for Iowa, that’s where you find the first real nuggets.

Speaking at the Iowa "Freedom" Summit, the Sourdough Shill didn't disappoint, did she? It's too big to succeed or fail with the retreads for changing Latino men riding other men because we won't be taken for a ride! America!  She contemptuously dismissed the President as “a little boy” and then sneeringly declared liberals and democrats are racists and sexists. It’s the same tune she’s been singing since John McCain took her to the prom and got his ass beat by the star basketball player.

I've read that paragraph two dozen times now, it's pure buttery yellow Palin. It's ... beautiful.

I have no idea what it means, but it’s wonderful.

I'm a skilled writer, I'm even more skilled at mockery, and there is nothing I could have penned that would have come close to that golden horde of ... well, hell, you can't call it word salad, it's more like finely ground mulch. Compost.

Edit:  No in retrospect, mulch and compost are the wrong words.  "Word salad" is pitifully inadequate. It’s more like Word Coleslaw.  Wordslaw!

Palin’s speech was so bizarre, so utterly incomprehensible, that the Democratic National Committee issued only a two word response via their communications director: “Thank you.”

See, apparently, Palin’s teleprompter froze.

And she had to speak off the cuff, and that gibberish above is what came out.

Her teleprompter froze. Teleprompter.

And it’s like the jokes just write themselves. Lame jokes. Old tired jokes that have been told a hundred time before, but nevertheless…

Sarah Palin is the Zsa Zsa Gabor of American politics.

She’s a diva. She got where she is on, well, to use her own words, her rack. It sure wasn’t her brains. She had a few bit parts and she’s got her fans. She plies the talk show circuit as the queen of glitter – along with the same old cast of characters – and nobody can understand a goddamned thing she says. She’s good for a few laughs on Late Night, but nowadays she’s mostly famous for being famous and ain’t nobody offering her a part in their movie.

She’s grifter, a political con artist. This is her MO. She sort of maybe hints she might be maybe interested in possibly maybe running. The chumps flood her PAC with their cigarette money. Then she tours the country in her Patriotic Juggernaut of Patriotic Flag Humping Freedom, signing books and giving speeches composed entirely of disjointed Tea Party sound bites and utterly devoid of any originality whatsoever.

And then?


She doesn’t have the chops to go all the way, or even part of the way.

At best she’s color, a little excitement in the pan as we plod upstream to the real treasure.


  1. One of the best things about the so-bad-it's-good cult film _Iron Sky_ (Nazis on the moon, ook, ook!) is the depiction of a Palinesque US president.

    1. Well, if you like Iron Sky, you'll love the coming sequel.

    2. A sequel to Iron Sky???? Then there IS a god.

    3. I cannot contain my excitement for this.... YAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Palin and Hitler are a Lizard people!!!! From the Hollow earth!!! Has!

      Truly, it doesn't get any better than this.

    4. I don't need a depiction of a Palin-esque president. I've already seen 'Idiocracy'.

  2. This is off-topic, but what are your thoughts on the American Sniper movie and Chris Kyle as an individual?

    1. I answered that question in detail on Facebook. But since many readers here don't follow me there, I'll repost my answer here:


      Given my background and the things I write about, I'm not surprised you asked me, and I don't mind that you did, but if you're expecting great praise or violent condemnation you've come to the wrong place.

      No, I have no opinion on the Clint Eastwood directed movie, American Sniper.
      I didn't know Chris Kyle. We served in the Navy at the same time, we were in the same war, but we worked in different fields. There was some overlap between his community and mine and it's possible we were in the same room once. I have a very vague recollection of somebody fitting his description and job during a pre-mission briefing. Could have been him, could have been somebody else. There were a lot of moving parts over there and it all sort of blurs together after a while.

      As to Kyle himself, as previously noted, I have no intention of bad mouthing his military career - not that I would, not that I could. He was, by definition, the very best of the best. His job was not something you talk about in civilized company, but it's a necessary requirement of war. Don't like it? Then think twice next time somebody starts waving the flag and urging us to invade another country. He served with distinction in a job few could do, he was a shipmate and I won't bad mouth Kyle's service, nor will I tolerate anybody else doing so in my presence. If you've got something to say about Chris Kyle's military service, say it somewhere else.

      As a civilian, I had no use for his politics or the company he kept. His death was senseless and tragic, particularly given that he died trying to help the damaged veteran who killed him. But the man is dead and not here to defend himself, let him rest in peace.

      Regarding the movie American Sniper: I haven't seen it. It's unlikely that I will. I don't generally watch movies like this. That's not a statement of condemnation, it's a statement of personal choice. War was my profession for more than two decades. I'm retired now. I have no desire to watch it on the screen, I saw enough of it in real life.

      Clint Eastwood, again while I don't much care for his politics or the company he keeps, is hands down one of the greatest directors who ever went to Hollywood. The man makes incredible movies, he is a visionary filmmaker. Unforgiven, Gran Torino, Million Dollar Baby, Flags of Our Fathers, Letters from Iwo Jima, the man has made some of the truly great films of our time. And by every account, he's a damned decent guy to work for - a rare thing in the film business. By his own account, he was neither attempting to glorify war or condemn it, he was simply doing what he does best, tell a story.

      So, if you enjoy war movies, then watch American Sniper and enjoy it.
      If you don't, then don't.

      As to the so-called "controversy" surrounding the movie, please. It's just a movie.

      Liberals outraged over Sniper are behaving EXACTLY like the idiotic conservative jackasses outraged over the latest Jesus flick.

      It's a just a movie, watch it or don't watch it, and that's is all I'm going to say on the subject.

    2. One of the things that never seems to get mentioned is this: Kyle was indeed one of the best of the best, undoubtedly one of the most skilled professional marksmen in the world. When he died, he was well armed and surrounded by many other people who were also heavily armed and well trained in the use of firearms. And yet an individual of much lesser skill still managed to kill him, steal his truck and get off the range and was never challenged in the least by ANY of the other exceptionally well armed and trained people that were there.

      The death of Chris Kyle should have sent a very loud and clear message to both the political right and the left in this country: that even the most well-trained and skilled person with weapons, surrounded by other well-trained and skilled people with weapons is still vulnerable and can still escape heavily armed personnel if those people don't have a damn clue about situational awareness. If the BS that the gun lobby continues to spout was true, Routh would have never gotten three steps off of that range...yet he was still able to steal his victim's vehicle unchallenged until he was stopped by police.

      Kyle and Littlefield are dead and their killer managed to escape the scene not because the other people at the range were not armed, not because they were not trained, but because they were not competent.

    3. Thanks. :) I didn't see this post on your FB page, so thank you for reposting it. I respect you for your take on both the man and the movie. :)

    4. Magister Calvert, I have to disagree with your assessment of what happened at the shooting range where Kyle died. The people there weren't incompetent so much as caught flat footed and unaware of the tactical situation. Smart people don't start shooting random folks if they don't know what the heck is going on. Also, I think my first inclination would have been to see to the wounded rather than fire on the gunman. YMMV.

  3. This is real gold, Jim, as opposed to the bile coming from the quitter from Wasilla. Keep up the good work, we beg you.

  4. The woman is dumber than dirt. And I have to apologize to dirt for using it in the comparison.

    1. A box of rocks came to mind and then I realized how many rocks would be offended. You know being politically correct and all I had to think that one out, or maybe not so much, yeah Palin is dumber than a box of rocks.

  5. Okay, now you've got me doing it too. I read the sentence and the twisted little editor in my head re-wrote it to read, "...a little excrement in the pan as we plod upstream to the real treasure."

  6. I think you meant " utterly devoid of any".

  7. Did you mean to say "devoid" vs. "devote" at the end? Auto-correct?

    1. That one is all Autocorrect.

      It's fixed

    2. I'm pretty sure she said 'straighten' your backs not 'strengthen' them. Youtube search Sarah Palin at her most incoherent for another excellent example.

  8. Long time reader, first time poster and I have to say she peddles her snake oil like nobody's business and I suspect if she had been around during the actual gold rush days she'd have been very successful.

    As a snake oil salesman (or woman).

    John McCain is many things, but he will always be known for releasing that screeching harpy on to the world.

    1. @ Bob Lyman

      You can say one thing about Sarah Palin - she's smarter than her fans are (admittedly a very low bar).

      John Cleese had some interesting insights about her:

    2. Harpy? I was thinking more along the lines of Medusa. Cuz SP turns peoples brains into stone when they're around her. Maybe SP is a new creature. HarpyDusa!

  9. Minor correction:
    "It’s the same tune she’s been signing" I believe should read "singing".

    I, too, read 'excrement'. Ah well, if the shiny gold shoe fits...

  10. At least having her in the race for a while will keep you in subject matter. She is pure comedy gold and John Stewart and John Oliver must be ecstatic. It is awfully scary, though, that there are people who actually think she's intelligent and would make a good POTUS.

  11. When I read such gibberish from Palin, I'm always reminded of that book, The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat. I would like to know what a doctor who specializes in the brain and language would have to say about it and her.

  12. Waitaminnuit Chief, isn't she the one who exhorted Americans to drill baby drill thus delivering a historical oil price crash? I mean she creamed Big Oil. Just think what she'll do to Big Tobacco and Big Telecom. Ecigs and a gazillion megabit connection for everyone! Ban the Prius. Yippekaiaay mo@#£%&ers. You can't get any more visionary than that. And you gotta admit, she'll be a hellovalotmorefun than Hillary.

  13. Thank you oh webinly god of powerful words.

  14. Watched her confusion 4 times. Still don't get it.

    1. You are trying to apply logic. Never apply logic to Sarahspeak. It will only make you crazy. Be glad, because if you DID understand it you probably already are crazy, like most of her hyperventilating fans ;)

  15. If Sarah Palin is Zsa Zsa Gabor, is there an equivalent to her much more talented sister Eva out there?

    1. Umm...Condaleeza Rice, maybe? That's about the only *sane* female Republican politician I can think of off the top of my head, anyway.

    2. "Sane" being the operative word there. ;-)

    3. Christine Todd Whitman comes to mind. Susan Collins. Olympia Snowe. I don't agree with a lot of their politics, but I respect them for being Republican women leaders who don't feel like they have to toe the Koch Bros. and/or Fundie Right line like most of their cohorts (male and female) these days...

    4. You'd have to go to the other side of the isle, I'd say Elizabeth Warren. Shed have my vote any day.


  16. Many Alaskans obviously knew what she was, and what she stood for, but John McCain and his team of yes men did not do their homework, and the entire vetting process was rushed.

    McCain threw a hail Mary pass in a desperate pandering attempt to hire a "conservative" woman thinking that was going to impress Democrat Hillary Fans in 2008

    Sarah Palin ruined herself and her chances at national office forever by opening her mouth during interviews and unscripted appearance, and revealed her abysmal ignorance.

    Her divisive, racist, and xenophobic rhetoric during the 2008 campaign was a perfect representation of who she really is, and the utter fecklessness of her behavior was startling.

    When she quit her duty to Alaskan voters in 2009, she really went down hill in the eyes of many conservatives, and nearly everyone on the more moderate side.

    When she whined about blood libel, she did herself no favors, and alienated many Jewish folks.

    When she and her family had the now famous Palin Brawl, people really had to question her sanity, allowing her drunk kids to attend a party and start fights. Her 6 year old grand son was also at that bacchanal.

    Christians the world over were appalled, humiliated, and very critical of her insanely stupid and offensive line about "we baptise terrorists by waterboarding"

    I think the last straw was the recent appearance of Ms Palin's signature on the FU Michael Moore sign, which is what you might expect from a dull witted teenager on instagram.

    She is supposed to be a "Christian", and it's hard to imagine that she takes her faith seriously with the vulgar language and behavior she displays.

    As a conservative myself, I was utterly appalled when I began to research her background and reputation. Since 2008, Palin has done nothing but damage her reputation and her persona.

    It's game over for Palin.

    Game over you defeated Quitter!

    1. I don't even think the accent's real.

      She's doing an almost perfect stereotype of Minnesotan speech mannerisms, almost as if McCain's campaign strategists picked her, decided that she wasn't "folksy" enough to woo the salt-of-the-earth voting block, and one of her handlers picked up "How To Talk Minnesotan" and mistook it for an instruction manual.

    2. Remembering back to that 2 months in late 2008: I don't think anything about Sarah Palin's ineptitude amused me as much as that interview of both Palin and McCain by Katie Couric about 5 days after the fateful Palin-alone interview by Couric.

      McCain was watching Palin like a hawk, ready to interrupt her if she was "going rogue" with her responses.

  17. ... And then she keeps all the money.

  18. " well, hell, you can't call it word salad, it's more like finely ground mulch. Compost." Jim, you are a wonderful wordsmith.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hit refresh on your browser, the errors were fixed. But I do appreciate the assist. Thanks // Jim

  20. I wonder if she's mentally ill. The only thing her diatribes lack is the swatting at invisible bats. I dislike the woman intensely, but I'm beginning to think that she needs some professional help. Something is just not right about the way she is speaking and acting. More so than usual, I mean.

    1. I've wondered the same. Between Bachman hearing voices (God's) and Palin doing the disjointed word thing I wonder if psychotic breaks are the standard by which candidates are selected in the Grand Old Party.

    2. Oh yes, I think its pretty well know around AK by now that not only is Sarah suffering from severe mental illness, but she's also a drug addict. Rumor has it she likes her oxy. Its pretty obvious the physical decline in the last few years.

    3. If you haven't had a reality break you can't be a modern day neonocon.
      I worked at an asylum once and the only folks as crazy as Palin were in the women's forensic unit (criminal psychotics). Scary place to walk into, you're situational awareness had better be very very good, or you'd get jumped.


  21. "It’s the same tune she’s been singing since John McCain took her to the prom and got his ass beat by the star basketball player. "

    Best description of the 2008 election, ever!

  22. I'm going with pyrite on this one. Pyrite Palin .... if there isn't already a kid with that name, we can add it to her monikers.

  23. I too read that last bit as excrement in the pan.

  24. Sara Palin should "step away from the teleprompter" more often so we can more frequently witness the cascade of neural synapses snap-crackle-popping in frantic desperation.

  25. She may have over-salted the Benghazi...

    What's fascinating to me is hearing d-bags like Joe Scar lament the tragedy of Palin's slide... hell, this is how she was from the beginning... she was running for VP and admitted, TWICE, on camera, she had no freaking idea what the VP's job was.

    I mean, seriously... and then think she's CHANGED?!

  26. But, she at least has some purpose, hopefully muddying the waters and maybe, just maybe, putting a few people off the tea.

  27. Wait... Palin, who mocked Obama for using a teleprompter, is begging off her wordslaw response because her teleprompter froze? I stick with Utah Phillips: The most radical concept in America today is a long memory.

    1. As I said, the jokes just write themselves.

    2. Irony can be so...ironic...

  28. Please, somebody tell that woman that her 15 minutes of fame was up 6 years ago.

  29. Jim, I must take issue with your calling Palin's screed compost. Compost is quite useful. It makes things grow and flourish. You can't even call Palin's screed shit. Shit is also very useful. It is a natural, necessary bodily product which also, when properly decomposed, makes things grow and flourish. When not properly decomposed it is generally toxic. That would be Sarah. She is pure poison.


    1. Upon review, I admitted such in the essay and made the appropriate revision.

  30. Jim, How do I send you an off topic bit on Alaska. We seem to have watered at many of the same holes at different times. I spent some time at Ft. Greely where the buffalo roam and near Jarvis Creek. CBR and so on. I can be found at Cane.rattlr@Gmail. Thanks.

    1. My contact information is posted on the righthand side of this very page.

  31. It could almost be construed to be Performance Art.

    Can someone really be THAT stupid, incoherent, clearly under some kind of mind altering substance(s), who spews so much hate and fear, an obvious grifter, who makes really, really bad image choices, NOT be playing the rubes?

    Oh, that's right, I forgot, this is what happens to the USA after 40 years of dumbing down the populace and lacing the water supply with toxins - you get SARAH PALIN and POTUS said in the same sentence in complete seriousness.

  32. I've come to the conclusion.... that "Running for President" has to be the best paying job in the world. People throw $millions at a candidate who doesn't have a prayer of winning an election. Losing candidates go on "political welfare". Great gig if you can get it.

  33. When will she go-away? She's not even qualified to be a has-been. Obviously, I don't know her personally, but her national persona is an absolute failure. I cringe knowing that her name will be forever associated within American politics. We place humane muzzles on dogs to keep them from barking and harming during their training, (or re-training,) is it possible to manufacture one especially for Mrs. Palin? Hmmm...ducktape may work!

  34. ... since McCain took her to the prom and got his ass beat by the star basketball player... PRICELESS!
    (No apologies for the joyous shouting at reading that nugget.)
    As for the "boy" comment, I shall not dignify that dog whistle with a reply.

    PS: Had to live nearly three-quarters of a century to call myself a minion, but here I am and I like it.
    Inge Mooney

    1. I don't think that was a dog whistle. That was an out right racist attack - calling a grown made "boy" doesn't get more in-your-face.

  35. What scares me is that there are those who think there's actual GOLD in that paragraph, brother. Those crazies control the primaries where she might actually get some votes?! Whenever she opens her mouth, I'm embarrassed to call myself an Alaskan. Then again, I had to explain to an Aussie and an Irishman that I didn't vote for Junior, Taipei no less...

  36. I have to say this is pure gold.

    Sarah Palin Robotic Speech Generator

    1. Thanks for posting that -- it's HILARIOUS!

    2. Oh hell, I've been sick for three days and reading some of those auto-speeches was the best medicine I've had.

  37. RE Palin -- Karma or payback is a real bitch. As my mother used to say: "There's never a road so long as it doesn't having a turning." Couldn't happen to a nicer lady!

  38. There's a certain point where you take a step back and say, "if this were a family member or dear friend, then perhaps they need an intervention." Mental Illness, a breakdown, an addiction, or maybe unknown trauma to the brain. When people don't realize that they're behaving irrationally or delusional, the best thing may be an evaluation. Full CT scan. She is a human being and we should help her get help. Dr. Drew might be better equipped/qualified to weigh in on this. As another human being I'm looking around to see if anyone else is noticing that we're all seeing the same train wreck...and a month/year from now we say [shaking head], "Jeez, she was way messed up and we could have gotten her some help."

    1. She has been on a general decline. I agree she needs an intervention, but she lives with a group of like minded people. It is called the cohort effect in psych channels. Alas, we are to see and hear this a for a while yet.

    2. Mass Hysteria (see below) and a malady, condition of Collective Consciousness called "communal suspension of disbelief." Aka, "collective obsessional behavior." It's a real sickness...with doctors and stuff.

    3. I see a possible suicide in the next 2-3 years.

    4. My bestcfrien once said that a shrink is a reality checker, are you in this world or inside your head. I think she's burrowed so deep she can't see the light of day.


  39. There's a certain point where you take a step back and say, "if this were a family member or dear friend, then perhaps they need an intervention." Mental Illness, a breakdown, an addiction, or maybe unknown trauma to the brain. When people don't realize that they're behaving irrationally or delusional, the best thing may be an evaluation. Full CT scan. She is a human being and we should help her get help. Dr. Drew might be better equipped/qualified to weigh in on this. As another human being I'm looking around to see if anyone else is noticing that we're all seeing the same train wreck...and a month/year from now we say [shaking head], "Jeez, she was way messed up and we could have gotten her some help."

  40. "we can't afford politicians playing games like nothing more is at stake than, oh, maybe just the next standing of theirs in the next election."

    This seems a rather apt description of the entire Palin "interest" in 2016, or am I missing something?

  41. I'm holding out hope Jon Huntsman will run again and be taken seriously this time.

    But he's a sane moderate, so it ain't gonna happen. #Sanders2016

  42. Mr. Wright, you have abused your position of power over the minions today. To-wit: You quoted Sarah Palin's word slaw. Palin's incoherence led me to read it four times for comprehension. Then you explained you couldn't break the code either. Why, oh, why didn't I trust you? Instead, I went to the original source and watched that video. Nobody could be that disjointed after years in the public eye and on the brink of declaring a run for POTUS, right? Surely the quote was missing proper punctuation and critical phrases -- something that would make Palin's words sort of understandable. But no, she said those crazy town jumbled words exactly as you quoted them. My right eyelid is still twitching. What is truly disturbing beyond Palin's rants are that she has followers who claim they understand what she says and believe in it too.

  43. Palin is the Max Bialystock of politics; a charlatan who is making a fortune by failing. This is the position previously held by Pat Buchanan who, like Palin, made himself rich by gaming the campaign system and running for an office he had absolutely no intention of winning. Actually winning an elected office would be a disaster for her, which is why it will never happen.

    Seriously. Go back and watch "The Producers". The American political system is now exactly like the Broadway depicted in that classic movie. You can now make a fortune from a show that closes on opening night or, better yet, never even opens.

  44. Fitting that you used the star basketball player comparision.She really likes those basketball players so I hear

  45. One phrase comes to mind whenever I hear Word salad Sally speak. I don't know where it originated but heard it a lot when I when I was a kid. It's "diarrhea of the blowhole."

  46. Sarah Palin is the reason my 79 year old Mother voted Democratic for the only two times in her life-1st time for Obama due to the Half-Governor being on the McCain ticket and the 2nd time cause she felt Barack had done a pretty good job and just couldn't see the Mitten as POTUS. I say we as concerned Americans need there to be more Palin sightings in the best interests of our country.

  47. In kinder gentler days it was called gobbledeygook. In the military they said, with some justification, that bullshit baffles brains. Remember the game where you combine three randomly picked words from three lists and always got something that vaguely sounds profound. Like maybe " circumspect alternate theorems" or " random surrogate references." She spins my head. But was cute in running togs but no Jen Lopez...

    1. Another saying from the day: "If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit". The simplified Palin version is "Dazzle them with bullshit".

  48. Ahhh, for our friend Keith Olbermann to be commentator in this campaign....

  49. Palin hasn't always gotten where she is by virtue of her "rack," it's literally an on and off thing. If you look through her photos over the years, some days she's naturally flat-chested, other days she's visibly more inflated. As a "friend of the Palins" told Vanity Fair in a 2010 interview, "Once, while Sarah was preparing for a city-council meeting, she said, ‘I’m gonna put on one of my push-up bras so I can get what I want tonight.’ That’s how she rolls.”

    1. The Wonderbra she was wearing at the Freedom Summit speech last Saturday was even equipped with built-in nipples.

  50. I must confess that I really hope Sarah runs on the GOP-TP ticket. I am so looking forward to the debate with Palin, Bush III, Christie, Huckabee, Cruz, Rubio, Jindal, Perry, Scott, Brownback, Snyder, Romney, Bachmann, Akins, et al. I just hope they don't have a mini-debate with just Palin, Perry, Bachmann, and Akins. They're just too well matched.

  51. We all know the reason she won't go all the way: she's a quitter.

  52. There's gold and then there's fool's gold.

    Pithy post, all correct, except this: "Sarah Palin is the Zsa Zsa Gabor of American politics."

    Zsa Zsa Gabor was ferociously intelligent. Whip smart. She knew what she knew and knew what she didn't know (which is of course the hard part). Palin is dumb as a stump.

  53. By now I should know better than to gulp coffee as I read your prose...
    I'll be hours cleaning nose sprayed coffee from my screen and keyboard after reading " since John McCain took her to the prom and got his ass beat by the star basketball player."
    Genuine thanks for the belly laugh!

  54. Welllllll, based in her actions, the actions of her children and their physical appearance Sarah Palin is just mentally disabled.

    Her timbre, voice inflection, stilted speech patterns and incoherance should be the sad realization the woman's mental capacity is diminished.

  55. Palin/Nugent for President. The Quitter and the Shitter 2016.

  56. Please tell me that we have now definitively determined the shelf life for the toxic brew of venal and willfully ignorant.

    1. Shelf life don't matter much. They cookin' that shit up new & fresh 4 U ever damn day now.

  57. "....Palin’s speech was so bizarre, so utterly incomprehensible, that the Democratic National Committee issued only a two word response via their communications director: “Thank you.”....."

    I literally laughed until tears sprang forth. Thank you Jim...I needed that.

    I've imagined even the "Get a Brain Morans!" guy going "WTF?" Remember him?...

  58. I have long thought of Sarah Palin as the patron saint of folks who think that being stupid makes you cool. And here's one of my favorite YouTube videos to link: Betty Bowers presents "Worst Mother in America" award to Sarah Palin.


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