Monday, December 29, 2014

Gone Fishing


I’m on vacation for the next couple of weeks.

I’d like to thank you all for following along, 2014 was a hell of a year. I’d especially like to thank those of you who donated to Stonekettle Station, you allowed me to call myself a full time professional writer at last – something I’ve dreamed of since I was a kid. Thank you all, sincerely, for making Stonekettle Station a going concern.

That said, I really needed a break. A Pacific island and a Mai Tai (or three) makes the Alaskan winter a bit more tolerable – and more, we promised my son a reward for high school graduation and for successfully completing his first semester of college. So, here we are. I’m not just goofing off however, I’m doing some research for upcoming pieces. And even here on the slow moving North Shore of Oahu, I’m still plugged into the internet and keeping my social media feeds updated. There may be a blog post or two from this tropical paradise, but unless I happen to run into the president, you probably shouldn’t count on it.

Stonekettle Station will resume mid January. 

And again, thank you all for your continued interest and support, I appreciate it more than I can say.


  1. Rest well. You have certainly deserved it.

    And the next few years promise to be interesting. Your input will be needed.

  2. Wishing you and your family a wonderful time away together and a happy, healthy New Year!!

  3. Enjoy the balmy breezes. And don't worry: the nation will still be just as deranged when you get back as it it now! (:-)

  4. Aloha and welcome to my neck of the woods.

  5. Enjoy your family vacation in paradise! You certainly deserve this time away from the crazy :

  6. So THAT'S what you look like without your hat! ;-D

  7. Thankyou Jim Wright. Love your work and blog here, have fun, have a Happy New Year and catch ya in 2015!

  8. If you really want "slow moving ", come to Kauai, the most beautiful and rural island. Or stay in a quiet little town on the Big Island - just watch out for the lava flow! That said, the windward side of Oahu is gorgeous. No wonder the Prez spends Christmas there.

  9. Okay, whew. Oahu. I just initially saw the title and thought, 'What kind of masochist goes fishing in Alaska in late December?' LOL!

  10. Thank you for your insights and humor this year Jim. And for dissimulating the craziness that is our culture so I might understand it better and not go quite so crazy myself.

    I'm so glad I found you this past year. I'm not into social media or blogs. Yours is one of two that I follow. As an autodidact I've not been lead down any path, so I'm very choosey.

    Good choice on the winter get away...I hope. I'll be going to Hawaii myself for the first time in my 62 years to escape the Northwest winter. Not near as rough weather as you have in Alaska but for this Southern California born and raised boy it's plenty.
    Be sure to get in some snorkeling. Immerse yourself in nature, it's the best re-creation there is.

    As someone said above, the craziness will be here when you get back. Happy New Year

  11. Beats cabin fever. Heard you like sci fi. If you're looking for something to read at the beach, try The Peripheral by William Gibson or Lock In by John Scalzi, both new in 2014.

  12. If life was fair and writers were paid for what they contribute, you'd have a 100-acre beach-front ranch with hot-and-cold running hula and 'Wright' would be spelled without the W (as in "correct," not "-wing").

    Aloha nui loa, Jim.

  13. I am so grateful for your little island of sanity in a sea is discontent, I just dropped you some $$ as my conscience was bothering me! Enjoy and come back to 2015 in fine form.

  14. Chinaman's Hat, Kaneohe Bay, Windward O'ahu. Behind Mr. Wright's right shoulder is the Kaneohe Bay Marine Corps Air Station.

  15. i'm pretty darn sure i speak for many of us when i say we miss you dreadfully. that said, i'm also pretty darn sure we all feel that you certainly deserve a whopping big break from the crazy and that your r&r will be rejuvenating and refreshing. can not wait to read what the new year brings forth from you! i am so very glad to have found this little island of sanity in a sea of insanity....

  16. yes, i'll just go ahead and speak. for everyone. why the fuck not? we miss you jim. thank you for 2014 and having you in it. thank you for your words, the thoughts they come from, and the man they make. thank you for your craft, your art, your expertise. thank you for showing us what a loving family looks like, shopkat and stupid and all. thanks for sharing your life, your intelligence, your open mind. i, for 1, am looking forward to your return, and i hope i see that group you were talking about, so that i too may be able to talk, back to you. xo~k and have a nice day. feliz año nuevo de nicaragua

  17. I can't imagine a writer with your skills not being successful, so trudge on and keep the words flowing. But, for now, enjoy the hell out of your vacation.

  18. What everybody else said. Double.

  19. Have fun, the world is a much better place, having you and your incisive mind in it. Looking forward to more of your good sense and excellent humour.

  20. Hi Jim, I hope you are enjoying your fishing. Have you recently read this one:
    I would like your take, whenever you're done with your holidays.

  21. Glad you had a relaxing break.


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