Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Hemlock With A Small Side Of Schadenfreude

I didn’t think it would be this way.

I was expecting more.


I got up this morning, looked out the window and … it was a beautiful day.

I didn’t see that coming.

Winter is setting in, here in Alaska.  Beautiful days are few and far between and I just didn’t expect today, of all days, to be one of them.

I, well, to be honest, I just thought the end of the world would be, I dunno … different.

I’m not sure what I was expecting exactly, maybe a wine dark sky lit around the horizon with a hellish orange glow, blood soaked moon ten times its usual size filling the sky, sooty clouds of gritty choking ash, erupting volcanoes and shaking earth, agonized woeful shrieks of bereft men filling the air, rising seas and burning mountains, the smell of bitter acrid smoke and sulfurous brimstone. Vast undead hordes risen from their graves, shuffling across the countryside dripping gelatinous ichor and clods of wormy stinking soil, feasting ravenous upon the quaking flesh of the hopeless. Demons loose as a plague upon the blighted land, gleeful in savage mirth, horned and leathery, skins black as sin, wielding crackling fiery lashes in their flinty hands like brands made of hellfire and lightning as they drive the doomed and the remorseful damned down to their eternal torment in the bowels of the malignant Earth.

Also, Nazis.

You know, like that.

Instead, well, it’s a beautiful day here in the Alaskan Matsu.

Today it’s as only Alaska can be.  Diamond clear air, cold and invigorating beneath a cloudless cerulean sky.  The sun is a brilliant yellow fire upon the pristine white peaks of the Chugach. The still crisp air smells of winter and wood smoke, the wings of bald eagles slice through it without a sound as they soar and wheel majestic over the winter landscape. 

It’s a fantastic day to be alive.

There’s nary a Nazi horde in sight.

The sky is empty of invading Communist paratroopers.

The dead remain still and safely entombed within the frozen ground.

The landscape is absent any hint of biblical plague, there are no poison frogs falling from the sky, no foul cloud of biting flies, the seas are cold and blue instead of warm and red as blood.

Not a single shriek rends the still, peaceful air and I haven’t spotted a single shambling zombie or damned soul, even though I kept a careful lookout for impending Rapture on my way into Anchorage this morning and again on my way home.  And, heck, even the traffic was light today, making the commute painless and relatively free of myopic demons reeking of naturally produced, pesticide free organic hemp and blocking the fast lane with their Satanic hybrid electric cars of Hell.

As I said, I expected the end of the world, the end of America, to be different somehow. More biblical, I guess.

Frankly I’m a little disappointed.

I mean, that’s what today is, right?

The end of the world, the end of America, the beginning of the End Times, Rapture, Armageddon, Ragnarok, the Blue Light Special at the end of the universe. We’re in some real pretty shit now, aren’t we? Game over, Man, Game over!

That’s what they told us, isn’t it? 

If Barack Hussein Obama wins reelection, it’s lights out for America. Jesus will weep, God will rage, poison arrows will fall from the sky, the ground will shake, Nazis, demons, Communists, panic on the switchboard and industrial disease, immorality, sparkly gay atheist fascists running free in the streets.

I mean, come on, all those TV preachers couldn’t be wrong, could they? All of them? Why it’s like they were just making stuff up, scaring people for their own personal agenda – you know, instead of really speaking for God.

Karl Rove, one-eyed king in the land of blinders, now he couldn’t have been wrong last night, could he? Romney won Ohio after all, tell me he did. How could it be? How could it be that Karl Rove was wrong? Romney didn’t win the popular vote in a landslide? Romney didn’t win the electoral college? But, but, but, that would mean Karl Rove wasn’t any more accurate than those aforementioned TV preachers!

Ted Nugent, shocker, rocker, and draft dodger – he couldn’t have been wrong, could he? My God, no, not The Nuge! I mean, he’s always been so reliable. Monday before the election he tweeted, “Dear God in heaven America vote Mitt Romney Paul Ryan Republican and save America!” Last night, after the election results could no longer be denied, despite Karl Rove’s frantic last minute Hail Mary to Almighty God for divine intervention, the Motor City Madman announced the end of America: “Goodluk America, u just voted for economic & spiritual suicide. Soulless fools!”  and  then he said “I cry tears of blood for The Last Best Place & the warriors who died for this tragedy.” 

And yet – and yet –  here on this gloriously cold beautiful Wednesday, it appears as if America is still standing. 

Probably Ted can’t see it, what with his eyes full of bloody tears and all – and seriously, tears of blood? You’re crying tears of blood? Dude, that's not right. Visit a doctor. Vision is totally covered under Obamacare and now it looks like Michigan will have to implement it after all. Thanks to Obama, you’re covered, Ted, I’m just saying.


Oh yes, that.  Warriors. Right. Ted Nugent, craven draft dodger, lamenting the dead warriors who died for our sins. Yeah. I’m just going to let that one go right on by.  I’m feeling good. The world didn’t end and the Rapture didn’t come and Angry Bearded Jesus didn’t call us all home and there’s a black man in the White House. I know you’re disappointed, Ted, that the rest of us didn’t get cornholed by Satan.  You ought to get a little something. So, as somebody who didn’t shit their pants in front of the entire country when called to arms under the American Flag, I’ll just let it go. Consider it a consolation prize. Speaking as a veteran who answered the call: you’re welcome, you gutless chicken-shit coward, you’re welcome. 

Ted Nugent wasn’t the only one to soil himself on Twitter last night, Donald Trump suffered a full on Britney Spears style social media meltdown.  By this morning, after the world didn’t, in fact, end after all, The Donald’s lawyers had deleted his sullen tweets calling America to treason and sedition.  Too bad one of his tech savvy apprentices didn’t tell him that on the internet nothing is ever really deleted. I have a complete list of Trump’s tweets right here.  Let’s review: "We can't let this happen. We should march on Washington and stop this travesty. Our nation is totally divided!"  Yes! That’s it, that’s freedom, that’s true America right there, override the Constitution with riot and violence and then install a leader handpicked by Real Estate moguls.  Wasn’t it Thomas Jefferson who insisted on the armed revolution clause in the Constitution? Trump continued to blurt out increasingly demented tweets like the social media version of Tourette's Syndrome, “The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy.” Jeez, really? I wonder why the Framers put it in the Constitution then, they must have hated America.   

At the end of the night Trump proclaimed, “He [Obama] lost the popular vote by a lot and won the election. We should have a revolution in this country!"  

Later that tweet, like the others, was deleted. 

Interesting thing that, don’t you think?

I mean, it turns out that President Obama actually did win the popular vote by a comfortable margin and the electoral college by a landslide – winning every swing state but one. Yet, Trump initially claimed Obama lost the popular vote “by a lot.” Trump implied electoral chicanery on a scale large enough to warrant armed insurrection against the United States government. But, then, hours later he issued what is essentially a retraction by deleting the post.  Could this be an abject example of how information can be garbled and unreliable in the first moments of a big event? Could it be an example of how people can get things wrong because they don’t yet have all the facts, all the information, because the numbers aren’t yet crunched and the interviews aren’t complete and because there is chaos on the ground? Could Trump’s incorrect reporting of fact and a call for armed action be an example of why, maybe, you shouldn’t depend in the first moments on rumor and confused media reports and the fog of war because you’re likely to have it wrong?

You know, like the initial reports regarding the attack on our embassy in Benghazi, Libya?

But I digress.

Former Saturday Night Live cast member, professional bimbo, and rabid rightwing Uber Christian, Victoria Jackson, also managed to spectacularly lose her shit in public.  “I can't stop crying" she tweeted over and over. This morning she roused from her dirty tear-stained sheets to proclaim, "America died last night.”  She didn’t blame Obama for the demise of America though, instead she pointed her staggering intellect  elsewhere, "Thanks a lot Christians, for not showing up. You disgust me.”  Yeah, disgust, that’s the word I was looking for. Disgust.

Another of Hollywood’s D-List, Stephen Baldwin, the last and least of the Baldwin brothers, he of woodenly acted bit parts and of low-budget SyFy and Lifetime Channel movies, didn’t get called up to heaven by Jesus.  So like crashing an Oscar party held by actual actors he raptured himself: "2nite Gods Spirit lifted within me&joy came over me, I will serve the Lord, my hope is in Jesus not Obama, Gods wrath is upon US. 2Thes2:11.” Funny, maybe it’s just me, but God’s wrath looks like a pretty fine day here in Alaska.  I understand things aren’t so bright on the East Coast at the moment, but God’s Wrath?  Really?  Where is this guy tweeting from? The 14th Century?

Sarah Palin boggled that “Americans would support the president’s policies.” Boggled. Apparently her last minute appeal to America didn’t pay off as big as she expected.  “It’s a perplexing time for many of us right now,” she said.  Perplexed. I don’t often agree with Sarah Palin, but hey, she’s perplexed. I’m hip. 

You know, these people and their wealthy masters literally spent billions of dollars, billions, to defeat Obama.

All those dollars are now wasted.

They’ll never get anything back. Karl Rove basically took their money, bushels and bushels of it, and lit it on fire.  If this was anything but politics (or religion), Rove would be in jail next to Bernie Madoff for running a bogus investment scheme, he lost just about as much money.

The ironic part is that these folks are the ones who are screaming the loudest about having to pay a couple bucks more in taxes, hell they gave double that to Rove and other SuperPACs and got nothing back.  They could have saved themselves a shitload of money, garnered themselves a big fat tax break, saved thousands of small businesses, and kick started the economy right out from under President Obama by giving every out of work blue collar conservative a year’s wage – say $35K – to spend at the businesses of their choice.  And they would have created a self-sustaining cycle that would have eventually paid back the investment with interest.  Instead they poured their money down Karl Rove’s rat-hole. Savvy businessmen, my ass. 

But, again, I digress.

Conservatives lost.

And they lost big.

It was a landmark night for gay rights.  Same sex marriage will now be legal in a number of states, Maryland, Maine, and Washington.  Legal by popular vote for the first time in our history.  Staunchly conservative Wisconsin, Paul Ryan’s home state, not only fell to Obama, they elected themselves the first openly gay Senator, Tammy Baldwin. Talk about kicking Ryan in the balls.

The Tea Party whimpered, clutched at its wrinkled gray sternum, and went into cardiac arrest.  It’s not dead quite yet, but it needs to fill out a living will and start thinking about where it wants its ashes scattered.  Democrats didn’t win back the House, but Allen West and Joe Walsh are out of a job – and that’s a major victory for sanity in America.  Michele Bachmann, damn the luck, held onto her seat by the skin of her flabby white ass, but her fangs have been pulled and her power base is dust and her state went to President Obama just like Paul Ryan’s did.  Just like Mitt Romney’s did.

Over in Washington State and up in Colorado, people are out today buying munchies.  Recreational pot is legal there, no more bullshit about “medicinal use.”  Legal, at least at the state level, the feds aren’t happy about it but again, just like gay marriage, the writing is on the wall.  

Everybody better just get used to Obamacare, because last night it became permanent.  Americans want universal coverage and they’re going to get it. States can now quit dragging their feet like petulant children and get busy seeing that all of their citizens have access to healthcare. Period.  The argument is now over – not that conservatives will stop arguing over it. Even if they take the White House in 2016, the ACA is now the law of the land. Better get onboard, fix the things that need fixing, and get used to the idea that even poor people are entitled to healthcare in America.

Latinos and African Americans sent an unequivocal message to the Old White Guy Party last night – if you want our vote, you’d better do some serious remodeling. You’d better get rid of the racists and the bigots and the xenophobes in your party. You’d better wake the hell up and realize that America is a multi-racial, multi-lingual, multi-cultural nation and it always has been – the difference is that now minorities have real power at last. Either get onboard with this idea, or join the Whigs in the dustbin of history.  Women likewise slapped the GOP right upside the head.  The message was crystal clear, you want our votes? Then you need to dump the misogynists and the legitimate rapists and the Neanderthal religious lunatics.  Women are fifty-one percent of the population, why would you kowtow to those who keep trying to disenfranchise them? Are you stupid?  “Minorities” aren’t so minor any more, they’re as American as you are, they’re motivated, they believe in this country just like your ancestors did, and they want somebody in government who represents their interests.  You’re either that party, or you’re not. 

The problem is simply this:

Once upon a time the faces of the Republican Party were Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Ulysses S. Grant, and, hell, Ronald Reagan. 

Today the public face of the GOP is Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, the Koch Brothers, Donald Trump, Sarah Palin, Karl Rove, and a silly old man shouting at an empty chair. 

Once upon a time, the Republican Party stood for freedom, the end of slavery, the extension of rights to all Americans, the reasonable  regulation of business and monopolies and the protection of the little man from the same.  The first president to call for pluralism, i.e. multiculturalism, was a Republican, William McKinley.  The republican who followed, one of the greatest presidents this country has ever seen, Teddy Roosevelt, believed in science, in reason, in the conservation of nature and the husbanding of our natural resources, the protection of our lands, in equality for all, and in peace. Republicans once upon a time believed In freedom of religion and freedom from religion.

Today the GOP would make businesses into citizens and make citizens into property. They squint suspiciously at any non-Christian and seem hell bent on denying others their just and due rights as Americans based on those self-same religious beliefs. Science, natural resources, and the environment seem to share equal contempt among conservatives nowadays. They are the party of drill, Baby, drill and legitimate rape. They’ve got abortion on the brain and are obsessively concerned with what other people might be doing in the privacy of their own bedrooms. The GOP has become the very military-industrial complex  another great Republican once warned us about. The GOP has given up science and become the party of Birthers and creationists and conspiracy nuts – and rather than distance themselves from such crazies, the modern Republican Party embraced them. One has only to look at the 2012 GOP Platform to see just how far they’ve drifted from the once great party of Lincoln.

Once upon a time, there was room in the Republican party. Room for competing ideas, room for reasoned debate and differences of opinion, room for all Americans.

Today, the Republican Party has grown very small – small in mind, small in ideas, small in tolerance.  They’ve become the party of loyalty oaths, purity balls, and secret handshakes.

Once upon a time, the Grand Old Party faced the world with the courage of Roosevelt, of Eisenhower, of Lincoln.

Today, this morning, these last four years, the Republican Party is shrouded in the rank stench of hysteria and fear. They face the future with the false bravado of the coward and the blustering shallow patriotism epitomized by the likes of Ted Nugent.  They cower under their beds, clutching their guns and their bibles, deathly afraid of the future.

And that, more than anything is why Mitt Romney lost last night.

Sarah Palin was correct this morning. Perplexed is exactly the right word. 

The GOP is dying a slow death, poisoned by their own bitter tea. They are now firmly on the wrong side of history and unless something changes, they’ll wear that confused expression into oblivion without ever understanding why.


It was a beautiful day, here in Alaska.

You’d hardly know it was the end of the world and all.

There’s a long cold winter ahead, but that just makes spring all the sweeter.


  1. I want to have your baby.

    1. There turn out to be unpleasant side effects.

    2. Democrat response: "Barb, I know that you love Jim and would provide the child a good home and upbringing. Have you considered the costs involved and whether you will have adequate pre- and post- natal care, as well as the resources and environment to ensure the child can develop on her own path in addition to becoming a socially responsive citizen? Able to reach her own life conclusions based on evidence and experience. In the end, it is your choice to give life with respect to your own"

      Repub response: "I'll make your baby like a gift from God! We have to BREED THEM OUT! Send a picture first."

    3. Barb! I love you! hee hee! You too Jim.

  2. You keep talking about Alaska like that, I may want to move there, now that retirement gets close.

    peace royeh

  3. Well said, agree with every word. Delicious. Wish I'd written it. Thanks.

  4. I'd be with Barb, if I had a uterus. Lacking that, THANK YOU! For expressing everything I feel more eloquently than I can do so myself. You are the man.

  5. Righteous rant, my man. I love your take-no-prisoners stand for truth, justice, and the American way...

  6. GOP -- Geezers on Parade

    1. Pretzelogic in Philly, PANovember 8, 2012 at 4:34 PM

      Greedy Old Party

      aka Rape-Public-CONs

    2. Grover's Obstructionist Patriarchy.

  7. In the paragraph starting Once upon a time... "in inequality" should be "in equality for all" I think. But otherwise a great post.

    And not sure why my comments never show up, so this time I'm anon.


    1. Yeah, I got to that one, did a double-take, "wait, what?" Then I hit refresh, and it was all better.

    2. Between autocorrect and the fact that I type very, very fast, it's a wonder I produce anything readable at all.

    3. Oh, hell, Hon, you produce "readable", regardless of anything else.

      Oh, yeah....

    4. Pretzelogic in Philly, PANovember 8, 2012 at 4:37 PM

      Jim -

      You're writing is not only "readable", I know a few people for whom I think it ought to be REQUIRED reading (of course, if for different reasons, it already is "required" reading for ME). Are you working on that book yet, or what?


    5. To be honest, I would hang from the ceiling by my toes if Mr. Wright decided to start writing upside down. His posts have the best, most insightful content of anything I read each day, and I read a lot.

      Thanks again for all you do, Mr. W.


  8. Best thing I read today. Glad Alaska and you are still standing.

  9. Another great one, Jim. I saw a beautiful thing Tues. Volunteers just kept coming into our OFA office in Ohio. We had Brits, Canadians, blacks, Indian Americans, and young and old white folks who weren't willing to sacrifice America on the alter of Grover Norquist. Republicans put all of their chips on the Tea Party/right wingnuts and lost pretty much everything, including their dignity. They wasted so much money--money that could have made a real difference in the lives of those living on the margins of society. Thank you for your commentary. You help keep me sane.

  10. Nice essay as always. Might wanna add a c to Barak in "If Barak Hussein Obama wins reelection.."

  11. Amen! Appreciate your posts very much. Thanks for being the voice of reason and sanity.

  12. I sometimes lack the right words to express my feelings. When that now happens, I come here because I know you are never lacking. Spot on Jim, spot on as always!

  13. Life-long Dem here, and even I don't want to see the Republicans do this to themselves. If you have an ancient adversary, you don't want to see them reduced to inanity. It's like if you were Sherlock Holmes and you found out Moriarity was unleashing a scheme to create an army of jaywalkers. BTW, Hucklebuck--you know, that Arkie governor with the radio show?--also started out his broadcast by talking about the beauty of the day and the birds, and I ain't making this part up: "The seagulls were out looking for food--they weren't waiting for someone to give them a handout" if the prob with lazy seagulls is that they usually sit around waiting for welfare donations of fishguts. Anyway, maybe this will at last end the wave of craziness that's characterized the Republicans. Maybe we can have a sane debate over taxes and national defense without them worrying about what people are doing with their genitals.

    1. Guess Hucklebuck never saw the gulls hanging out in the Wall Mart Parking lot in Anchorage. Just saying. Damn freeloading birds...

    2. Man... He must never have lived near the ocean or ANY large body of water -Damn freeloading, lawless seagulls! They'll even STEAL the food out of your hands if you're not careful - and every seagull I ever saw was more than happy to accept handouts...

  14. Jim,

    Nice to see you are back from Florida and enjoying life in the far Alaskan north again. I really enjoyed reading this after getting several forwarded rants in my inbox from retired military friends who worry that life as they know it has ceased and their (flat) world is getting ready to shift out of this plane of existence.

    One of the best things about this election is that affordable health care will be part of our national fabric from here on out. Me personally, I am lucky to have a single payer system, i.e., VA. But I have family and friends who are not so fortunate, and it is a good thing to know we are joining the rest of the developed world and providing our citizens with a basic right.

    As always, you say so well much of what I have been thinking. You help to keep my blood pressure low. Thank you.

    Old Navy Comm O

    PS In the paragraph that starts "The Tea Party whimpered...", it looks like the contraction for "it is" (I.e., it 's) was used rather than the possessive for it (i.e., its) a couple of times. Some smart person should really develop a spellcheck with built in grammar feature that can fix this for us.

    1. Fixed. I make a lot of typos, but not typically that one. Must be an off night.

  15. You know Jim, we need conservative voices in the public square. We've jus got to agree on what the fuck reality is.

    1. We do need conservatives voices in the public square, just as we need liberal ones. Perhaps we need a common definition of reality, but nearly as much as we need a common understanding that we are all Americans together.

    2. I agree with you Jim - we need to realize that it's not everyone out for themselves but that we are definitely all in this boat together and to leave no one behind because we are all Americans.

  16. good on ya man! I have to say it is a beautiful day here in New Orleans too! And the more so because of the smiles on so many faces. You speak the truth :)

  17. Here is a post from my daughter to me. Maybe Alabama knows something about zombies?

    Heather Brown Only in Alabama would a dead man win an election...

    Jarrod Watts What?

    Casey Hackworth What?

    Sheila Rivera Really?

    Heather Brown Yep it's insane...I can't even say what is in my mind because the whole thing is crazy
    Sheila Rivera Did you vote for him? lol.
    Heather Brown No as I said last night I may not be big on politic but I at least go in informed. He won by 52% too
    Sheila Rivera Was he Republican?
    Heather Brown Of course

    Sheila Rivera Well that explains it.

    Sheila Rivera What office was he running for?

    Heather Brown Yep but it's sad commentary on society. Some kind of commissioner position

    1. Not only in Alabama. Missouri chose a dead man over John Ashcroft (maybe it was hard to tell which was which). Too bad he failed upwards to become our AG.

    2. A dead mans wife Randy. and she was a better choice.

      Thank you for another on point and entertaining rant as always Jim

    3. Houston, Tx -- this election:

      Mario Gallegos, a Democratic Texas state senator, died just a few weeks before the election. He'd served his constituents for 22 years in a heavily Democratic district.

      Under Texas law, Gallegos's name was required to remain on the ballot as he died within 74 days of the election. So his family and supporters worked the polls, encouraging voters to vote for him and keep the position in Democratic hands instead of letting it go to the Republican candidate. Their efforts paid off, and now the governor will have to call a special election to fill the vacant seat.

      Sometimes, it's good to elect a dead man to office.

    4. We did it in Alaska in 1972. Nick Begich had been missing for weeks and presumed dead, he won the election. Don Young was elected in a special election months later. Sadly we haven't been able to vote the bum out.

    5. Msttfn, I was going to add that. It's been a while so many who live here now probably weren't here then. Yep, Begich won the election even tho he was missing.

    6. Pretzelogic in Philly, PANovember 8, 2012 at 4:50 PM

      We did it here in Philly in 1975. I wasn't actually quite old enough to vote yet, but I probably would have helped if I had been. It was something to do with how the replacement for the candidate (who died late in the campaign) would be selected, and the resulting effect on the party affiliation of the ultimate occupant of the office (City Council member).

      The candidate had been a Democrat, and "electing" his dead ass somehow meant that his replacement would be too, instead of a Rape-Public-CON if he hadn't been "elected" (growing up in the shadow of Nixon helped shape my partisan views early on).

    7. Well, the dead man is probably President now in some people's eyes. The Mormons baptize dead people and marry dead people (with stand ins) ~ and it is for eternity, well, then, you get the idea. Right? I really don't like bashing anyone's religion, but some of this stuff is just weird.

  18. You tell 'em, Jim...

  19. Beautiful post - but lay off the Whigs, OK?

  20. Jim - Great post. Just for balance, I posted this yesterday on the Washington Post (in Jennifer Rubin's column, of all places)... my thoughts are parallel to yours.
    I am a Republican.

    I have been a Republican for well close to 35 years now. I am quite proud to be a Republican, but I am not proud or comfortable with what my Party has turned into over the last 20+ years. No longer is it a party that concerns itself with the average American, no longer does it care about making this country better, more productive, providing a safe living environment and insuring opportunities for all. It has turned into a Party of Corporations and of private individuals with deep pockets and personal agendas, the majority of which are not in line with the desires and agendas of the American people as a whole. It does not care about the individual, unless you can pay the entry fee to be heard by your elected representative, an individual who supposedly works for you but instead works for the people who financed his way into office.

    It has become a party where the idea of conservatism, the original ideas, have been replaced and altered until they're no longer recognizable. Conservatives used to be fiscally prudent, but today's conservatives are even more willing to spend money than the very people they villify, the liberals. Conservatives used to be concenred about making this country a place where anyone can succeed, but today's conservatives say that only those born to wealth have that right. Conservatives used to be stewards of the land, but today's conservatives are more concerned with how much money they can make from the mineral rights instead of providing a legacy for future generations.

    I want to see this country be better than what conservatives over the last 20 years have made it into. I want opportunities for every one regardless of race, creed, sex, gender or sexual orientation. I want the divisiveness and the obstructionism my Party has generated for the last four years to end, and real honest negotiating with the Democrats on how to move forward, find answers to the fiscal problems, maintain our government and give people a future to look forward to.

    I am a Republican who voted for President Obama, because I believe that he already understands better what needs to be done. And I want my Party to work WITH the President to solve these issues, not against him. Like it or not, we all are in this together, and we need to solve it together.

    I am a Republican, and I'm asking my Party to start doing what it was hired to do... help govern this country.

    1. This is how my wife feels. She is also a life long republican but voted straight ticket D, this election. Her quote, "this is not my republican party."

    2. My husband, also considers himself Republican, but says he can't identify with the party it has become. He voted for Obama in '08 and again on Tuesday!

    3. My fiancee is a lifelong Republican and voted for President Obama in this election, not even because it was the lesser of the evils, but he really is disgusted and saddened by what his party has become. I am saddened that the party of my parents and the one I first aligned myself with (I'm a Democrat now, but really vote independently-minded) is no more and has been hijacked. Well said.

    4. Hey greywolf - I see you on WaPo all the time! Very cool! Nice to see you here. :-)


  21. I had a friend recently post about the Republican party platform from 1956 which was pretty amazing. Any Republican who suggested that for this election would have been drummed out of the convention. Tal greywolf, I stand with you and hope that since the goal of keeping Obama to be a one term president failed, that the Republicans can now work to problem solve and together move forward.

    Jim, thanks as always for your thinking and writing. It was almost as nice a day in western Oregon.

  22. "gelatinous ichor"?? I thought that was the beauty secret used to keep Palin, Malkin and Coulter hot and lifelike.

  23. I'd like to send you some fresh baked brownies straight from Colorado ;) great post!

  24. A couple years ago, Mr. Jim, you wrote that Obama was making plans like someone who intended to be in office for eight years. I read that, and I watched the stories and saw, indeed, this was not a man who was frivolously in office.

    I was on an airplane when the victory was declared, so I didn't have the chance, like I did in 2008, to hear all my Canadian neighbours cheer spontaneously and with joy when Obama won. But I know they did.

    You have my respect sir. Your writing is one of the things that has allowed me to keep faith in my cousins to the South.

  25. While discussing disaster preparations for Hurricane Sandy recently, some Facebook friends & I determined that neither red wine nor Twinkies required refrigeration. Then Sandy gave our area a pass.

    Now this. No Obamalypse.

    What are we going to do with all the red wine & Twinkies?

    Need supplies for the Zombie bunker?


    1. Leave the Twinkies out to dry out some and then use them as firestarters. Red wine? You really have to ask what to do with red wine? Drink it, cook with it - adds nice flavor to beef(or moose or caribou or deer) stew, mull it, all good.
      Well, it doesn't do so good to brush your teeth with it, doesn't make them pearly white.

    2. Heck down here in Alabama we'd fry those Twinkies and sell them at the state fair!! Although you could go to Colorado and pass them out. I'm sure the partakers of the herb would be appreciative.

    3. **whisper** **Hey Sophie. Of course I know what to do with red wine. But I am trying to weasel my way into the bunker with it. Don't let Jim hear.**

      **Bruce. SSShhh.**

  26. I live in one of the reddest states there is (complete with a Li'l Sarah as governor) and am surrounded by people who don't like Obama. Some of them are very, very vocal about it, so the last 24 hours or so I've been watching a complete and utter meltdown on the Internet and on Facebook. I'm so thankful Facebook has the "hide" and "block" functions. Some of it's been pretty ripe. My husband told me of some very, uh, interesting discussions with some co-workers yesterday, too. All I can say is, he's a much more patient person than I am. Neither one of us can figure out how it is these people can be so "AMERICA! FUCK YEAH!" when the people they like are in power, and yet they act like the country they love so much and that they think is so tough is suddenly a Faberge egg that will be shattered by one man in the White House.

    I'm in a funny position. For the most part I'm absolutely giddy about Tuesday's result. I had tears in my eyes when Ohio was called for Obama. I'm tickled for Elizabeth Warren and Tammy Baldwin and so many others, and happy that Joe Walsh and Allen West and so many others got sent packing. I'm very happy about the initiatives on same-sex marriage. I'm relieved the next nominees to the Supreme Court will probably be people whose perspective on the law will be forward-thinking instead of regressive. I'm heartened that in spite of everything so many states did to restrict voting rights, the very people they wanted to restrict said "up yours!" and turned out in such numbers and did whatever it took to be heard. The moment the President came on stage in Chicago with his beautiful family, and he spoke of an America that's inclusive and that works together to solve problems, summed it up beautifully. The man's not perfect, but I'm so proud to have him as our leader.

    I saw something beautiful Tuesday night: a glimpse of the America I was raised to believe in, one that's strong and resolute and that adapts with the times, that's diverse and inclusive. I want to cheer. I want to share my joy. And yet so many people I'm surrounded by are absolutely glum! They think it's the end of America and that we'll all be overtaken by Socialist Communist Marxist Fascism before we know it, and they aren't shy about saying as much (and woe betide you if you try to reason with them). I don't know if I should laugh or shake my head.

    Thanks as always, Jim.

    1. A beautiful reply to Jim's fantastic post....
      Thank you.

    2. Octo....something tells me you live in South Clackety Clack??? (as do I). It's a beautiful, sultry, beachy, mountainous state with the biggest load of BJU crap. sigh.

    3. I hear you loud and clear, from Texas. FWIW, I'm a "neighbor" of Ted Nugent, evidently (same county...close enough). Here, the secede noise is starting up again, even with a continued super majority in the Lege and not a single D in state elected office since 1996. So, not to worry, even if you're one of those minority white males who support sanity in government. Just hope you still have someone to share coffee, gossip, and weather reports in the morning. Jeez these people hate me and tell me that online...but not to my face. Yet.

    4. We did get rid of the super majority. It isn't much of a victory, but it is something. Mr. Wright, thank you for a beautiful post, and the only single consolation I take in the fact that Texas is sending a Tea Party mouthpiece to the Senate is the fodder he will provide you for future posts.

  27. It's interesting that liberals have to point out the historically redeeming qualities of the GOP. Thank you for a brilliant post.

    I came home after dark before the election and a 60+ woman got out of her vehicle in her car, she had a flashlight and was trying to find addresses of Democrats who had not returned their mail-in ballots. It really hit me that people got it, not only did they work their asses off, they got out and voted. I got my neighbor to register to vote, and took her to vote; she hadn't voted since 1972 when she voted for Nixon.

  28. Perhaps tangential to the topic, but a FB friend & former co-worker shared this clip today.
    Didn't Ambrose Bierce define patriotism as the conviction that your country is better than all others because you were born there?
    I am sick of those who shout "treason" if you dare to criticize this country, or if you suggest that we could learn from other cultures - or even tolerate their existence.


    1. Great clip, just put it on FB and ordered it from Just Film!

  29. This is exactly how I feel. I woke up in Wisconsin on Wed. and went to work at the job I like. I was not forced to work in the state run munitions factory. I did not have to dodge zombies as I drove down the interstate. Nobody showed up at my door and demand I give them my first and second born children.
    I just want to add the I live in Janesville, Wisconsin the home town of Paul Ryan. Our state has a proud tradition of being difficult to predict. We have a very conservative Governor and Paul Ryan as one of our Congressmen. On the other hand our state went to President Obama, Tammy Baldwin (D, and openly gay) for senate. She was a long term Congresswoman who left her position to run for Senate, beating one of the most popular of all Wisconsin politicians former Governor Tommy Thompson. It is also interesting that her seat in congress was won by an openly gay democrat named Marc Pocan.

    1. Back in August my wife and I had a few days of vacation to kill between Michigan and Iowa with no plan. Neither of us had spent much time in Wisconsin and we're looking to move north (from Nebraska) when we retire in how ever many years that turns out to be, so we decided to look around there a bit and ended up spending one day in Door county. Having seen nothing on the news this year concerning Wi. besides the labor union rallies in Madison I was a bit surprised at the lack of political signs on private property and shocked that those that I did see were overwhelmingly pro Obama. That pattern held up for our entire trip through your state, so I wasn't very surprised at all at how things turned out there.

  30. I have seen your articles before but in this fast paced world I never paused long enough to read one of them. I wont make that mistake again! Great Article!!

  31. Sternums don't wrinkle. I hope, anyway. Or turn grey.

    The bit at the start which evocatively describes the apocalypse was good though. You should write some Cthulhu fanfic. :-)

    1. Any body part with skin will wrinkle, which I am, sadly, finding out.

  32. I stood in line for 5 hours during early voting in a very red state, so my vote really didn't matter in the grand scheme, but it was one more vote toward that 50% popular vote.

    Then I saw videos of people standing in even longer lines to vote. People whose very right to vote had been threatened were willing to stand in line all day and night to cast their vote.

    Next to putting your life on the line for the defense and protection of this country -
    these individuals are HEROS!!!

    Thank you

    1. Pretzelogic in Philly, PANovember 8, 2012 at 5:02 PM

      Pamela Lee -

      Your vote absolutely DID matter in the grand scheme. Going into Tuesday, I was nervously confident that the President would win the re-election he deserved, but I sure didn't look forward to dealing with the whinging of lunatics going on about how he won in the electoral college but lost the popular vote. Thanks to great Americans like YOU (I'm guessing from the tone of your comment), I didn't have to. Seriously, thanks.

      Also, not for nothing, but quite a few determined voters in "very red" states made a big difference in some down-ballot contests. I'm delighted by the thought that the Rs are pretty frustrated that they not only failed to retake the Senate, they actually *lost* ground there.

  33. Jim- I'm glad the Swamp People and the alligators didn't disappear you. Now that you have returned to Alaska- with the cold, clear air I can tell your spirit is back soaring. Thanks for the cogent mind meanderings, it's always a pleasure to read your comments. Clear and simply-expressed thoughts are a great tonic against the muddy water and burnt hash commonly available in the general media. Thank you again, and please don't take so long to post next time...I went through withdrawal!

  34. Don't forget about Minnesota and our defeat of the Marriage Amendment! It's not legalizing gay marriage, but it does send a message to the religious right wing that we don't buy into their bullshit.

  35. This is the best political summation I have read in a long time. You sir are a gifted man.

  36. It's sunny outside of Buffalo, NY too. No angels weeping here!

  37. That moment when you want to highlight the OMGAwesome parts to share with your lovely but not-a-big-reader son, and you realize the unhighlighted parts are maybe two sentences. Bravo sir.

  38. Just a brief word from one of your readers here in the decidedly non-apocalyptic UK.

    Thanks to all in the US for returning BO as POTUS. If the GOP can ever get round to figuring out how it has alienated so much of its natural support base, they would probably walk it. Probably wouldn't seem so bloody scary to the rest of the world either.

    Lovin' the swipe at the craven draft dodger and gutless chicken-shit coward Nugent, btw. Nothing morally wrong with the position of the Conscientious Objector, but to later claim comradeship with those who answered the call is hypocrisy and cant of the first order.

    Also, Nazis!

  39. Super. Duper. Triple scooper.
    Thanks for putting the cherry on top, Jim.

  40. Please, I beg of you to stop using "mean" type words like "white flabby ass". It is so bullyish and a little sexist. I know you are not that type of person!I really do think you could make your point without that. As a woman, I am looking at my own self... can I make a difference in this world, or, after all I have tried to accomplish, the only words that come out from others would be "pronounced bohemian nose" (yes, I have heard those words) or "wouldn't want to see her naked" (from one of my employees). I do love you, Jim. You have made a lot of my days better and I even made my mother in law read your rant that included Catholic preists and the uncaring of children throughout the world. As a woman, and as a group of people that helped our country through all of this right wing inequalities - to win this election, "don't tread on me!".

    1. Sigh.

      Here's the thing, Anonymous, I never use words, mean or otherwise, without malice aforethought. In this case, and others similar, you'll note that I did not make a general statement, e.g. "Hah hah, I hate women with flabby asses because they are ugly and so on." I made very specific comment as a deliberate insult aimed at one specific person. The insult is intentionally of the "mean" variety, i.e. one directed at body image, intimate and personal.

      Now, why would I do that?

      Beause, according to Bachmann's Chirsitan beliefs you reap what you sow, and she has made a career, literally, attacking and insulting other people's self image, gays, non-christians, liberals, and so on, insulting them in the most intmate and personal why possible. For example, a significant fraction of her income is derived from her husband's business of telling people their most fundamental self image is a mental illness which can be "cured" for a fee. There's nothing wrong with those people, just as there's really nothing wrong with Michele Bachmann's ass - otherwise , well, it wouldn't be much of an inuslt, would it?

    2. I'm typing on glass here, fighting a cellular connection lag, small font, and autocorrect. Forgive the garble in that previous comment. Should be Chrisitan, not Chissitan or whatever that says. //Jim

    3. Sorry, Jim I am still a little raw from all the facebook insults that we have all had to endure, especially near the election. I should have dug a little deeper - you actually have some intellect and I'm not reading one of those tea-party slogans about "entitlements", etc. As always, this is a great read.

    4. Hm, I kinda like "Chissitan". Christianist hissyfit thrower?

    5. Pretzelogic in Philly, PANovember 8, 2012 at 5:08 PM

      Honestly? I'm just trying to understand what a "pronounced bohemian nose" must look like. Adorned with a ring? Paisely tattoos?



    6. And besides, it's not as if Bachmann's husband ever sees her flabby white ass.

  41. i have been composing a response to my now despondent friends . . . it's been hard to convey both my concern for them as their life seems to dwindle away, and at the same time tell them to wake up to life as it is now . . . i threw my response away moments ago and am just going to send them this link . . . thanks . . .

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Great post, Jim. What did they think would happen in a second administration that hadn't already happened in the first?

    2. They are sure that NOW the President is going to take away all their guns!!!
      The stupid never ends......

  43. Plunk! Okay, there you go. That was the sound of me dropping 10 pounds of homemade brownies and a keg of beer on the table. Can I join the club now?

    Jim Wright, you make me laugh my ass right off. I keep looking for the scar where we were separated at birth. I haven't found it yet. But I'm sure it's there somewhere.

    Be alert? Oh hell no, be awright, the world needs more Wrights.

    1. Pretzelogic in Philly, PANovember 8, 2012 at 5:10 PM

      That sounds all-Wright to me!

  44. "skins black as sin"...I think that maybe, just maybe, someone might find this offensive. Just sayin'.

    1. Maybe I should have given the demons red skin instead...

      You'd really have to go out of your way to be offended by that phrase . FWIW, the image is based on evangelical Christian apologetics - i.e. The very people forecasting the end of the world if Obama continue president (despite the fact that their religion says that soothsayers should be put to death. But I digress)

    2. Again, I'm typing on glass and fighting autocorrect for every lousy word. Excuse the comment typos.

    3. Given the context there is absolutely nothing offensive about the phrase unless someone is just looking for something to bitch about.

  45. Did you guys see this little gem?

    Talk about a sore loser...

    1. Wow. Just spent a few minutes on this site. I don't know whether to laugh or cry at the insanity. That guy - I can't even find the right word for that kind of crazy. Bizarre.


    2. The word you want is batshit crazy.

      the hippie in the hollar.

    3. Considering that it is, I strongly suspected that it was a kook site. After all, saying that you're a Libertarian Republican is like saying that you're a winged amoeba. The two cannot exist in the same person without severe mental and physical trauma.

  46. Wonderful essay, and well-written. My Pet Peeve Detector registered a small *ping* though, when I read "...the reigning in of business and monopolies..." It should be "rein in" (think "controlling a runaway horse"). Kings "reign", but horses have "reins." Great post, though!

  47. An amazing, inspiring and damned perfect piece. Thank you.

  48. Thanks Jim from down in the Sandy zone (power back up though, more fortunate than of our neighbors) where we just got 4" of snow to add to the fun. No zombies, just long lines for gas, but I don't blame that on the President, but the LI lemming mentality and a lot of people running on generators. Afte reading some long whines by Christian conservatives of my aquaintance on FB, I replied, "The election DID go the way God's people wanted. Plenty of Christians who believe in loving thy neighbor, succoring the poor, and that rich guy Romney had better be looking for a needle threader.

  49. It's beautiful here in Ohio today. Has been for a few days. Gotta love fresh air.
    My guess is that Karl Rove didn't completely waste that cash. Consultant fees, salary, expenses, I'm sure some of it stuck in his bank account; or he's not the man I think he is.
    I wish Don Mittens and Sancho Ryan well as they ride off into the dustbin of history. See ya.
    Thanks for the post, Jim. Maybe it will breath sanity into the conservative movement in this country. I'm not hoding my breath, though. The air is too sweet.

  50. Jim:

    I’ve gotta admit I’m a thousand percent with you on this stuff but I hafta say I’m a little disappointed to see you adding to the myth that T-Pers are mostly old codgers. Although that’s a physical description that fits me like a surgeon’s glove, the codger connotation is light years away from where I am emotionally, culturally and politically.

    Unfortunately, since I’ve been voting for more than 60 years strangers make assumptions that are usually unwarranted. Just yesterday, I was in a Boston hospital waiting room awaiting news about my wife’s latest Lymphoma treatments when a perfect stranger, at least 30 years my junior, started telling me how the world was on a downslope to oblivion because of the election and was shocked when I told him his head was hiding somewhere out of sight. When he wanted to argue about where his head was hiding, I told him to get lost.

    I’ve thought about wearing a flag lapel pin but I fear that would only make it worse so now when someone wants to talk about politics I make out that I’m hard of hearing (which I am) and answer them with a few extraneous thoughts that send them away mumbling to themselves.

    John from Rhody

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. A talent I'm developing, courtesy of too many loud Rock'n'Roll concerts and being the drummer on the back-line. Known as "Cocking a deaf 'un". Mind you the way I dress I don't think any one will mistake me for a "Conservative".

  51. As usual, agree with you so therefore love your post. My hope is that these election results will make Rove and Trump and the rest of the hate mongers irrelevant to either party. I worked the polls in the old MatSu and we were thrilled to have a 50% turnout, that was more than 600 voters coming thru our precinct - these Alaskan voters were unfailingly polite, respectful, helpful to one another and each said Thank you" to the poll workers. I am troubled that only half of those eligible to vote bothered to do so. That makes for a relatively small group being able to run the show. Now, lets work to overturn the lousy Citizens United decision.

  52. You are - hands down - one of the best bloggers I have read. I love this entry. You nailed down the non-apocalyptic aftermath to perfection.
    I am sharing this work of genius.

  53. I notice that you have Chuck (Scream and Shout) Norris a pass on his and his wife's thousand years of darkness. Must be in a generous mood - or not gloating. ;o)

    Thanks, as always, for everything you do.

    Greg - ETC(SW) - USN

  54. Brilliant writing that still has me laughing. I enjoyed it so much that I posted the link not once but twice on my FB page this morning. Thank you, thank you, thank have a new follower.

  55. Just one correction - the billions weren't wasted, they were pumped back into the economy.

    Thanks billionaires for helping President Obama by stimulating the economy!

    1. Except for a nice little percentage that is now resting comfortably in a few bank accounts.

  56. Always a great read. Always no punches pulled. One thing the right hates is when the left, the center, ANYONE for that matter fights back. Keep up the GREAT work.

  57. Wonderful read. Thank you.
    It amazes me that the right wing pundits are still in shock, not believing the numbers, not believing they lost, not believing that money can't buy you gov.
    Gee, I know the numbers were always close but they had access to the same polls we did and Obama was leading (in all but one, I believe) for quite a while. So either they didn't believe the same numbers we were reading or they did - and lied to their audience about it. (Even today, they are still lying and denying reality.) I think they all want to continue living in their fantasy world of 'Romneyland' (or as Jon Stewart calls it, 'Bullshit Mountain').
    (In the interest of full disclosure, I can sort of understand it because I lived in a similar world ('Clintonland') during Dubya's 8 bumbling, embarrasing, and scary years of reign.... and I know I wasn't alone. Hee.)

    1. "Money can't buy you gov." I like that one.

    2. I think their disbelief stems from their disconnection from reality. The GOP slogan for at least the last 12 years, if not longer, has been "Reality is whatever I say it is." Apparently they've come to believe it themselves.

      Would be really nice if a few of them would start to think that, if they were wrong about the election, maybe they're also wrong about climate change and evolution.... Nah.

  58. I'm holding the Nuge to his promise that if Obama was re-elected that he would either be dead or in jail within a year. Clock started ticking 04/12, Teddyboy. Ya got five months.


  59. A hit out of the park once again. I wholeheartedly share a non-gloating mood. I found it awful easy to go from gloating in '08 to hubris and thinking the GOPasaurs were all but done. Big mistake. I think it is a time for stone cold hard resolve to loudly support those in elected office and leadership positions who want to join in the move forward for all of us in the country. Not a move from the early 14th century to mid 14th as envisioned by the hard core right but to the 21st century. These clowns are down right now but, like their zombie lies, they keep popping up every time we stomp them down. I wish it were only them we had to battle but I'm pretty sure our own may need some spine enhancements. We can never forget that too many of them are compromised by the same money and interests that wholly owns the right. We'd better be ready to push, shove, and, sometimes, ease our supposed leaders along. We have to hold them to what they say they will do. I've heard way too many promised actions lose momentum and die to grand bargains or "it's too hard" thinking.

    The hard part is going to be dealing with friends and neighbors here in deep red Tennessee. They have the crazy spewing out of every orifice. Talking these clowns down may be impossible. I don't let much of their crap slide and now is the time to challenge the rest. I going to try gentle and respectful but no longer am I letting anything pass unchallenged. I can afford to lose a few more acquaintances and those I thought were friends who continue to deny reality based living. The election didn't end anything, it only started something different.

  60. Obama's endless wars, crony capitalism, surveillance police state, and issuance of debt to reach an undefined horizon will eventually crumble this nation of people raised to be dependent on government. They will vote for whomever provides until the provision enslaves them. The people of the U.S.A. voted for slavery. Romney would have been no different. No reason to celebrate or write the way you do. You come across as vulgar as most who wish government to be their parent, and as ignorant of the history of how governments move from being limited in their power to tyrannies. Suckle the teat while you can, it's going to shrivel soon.

    1. Dude - You wanna borrow my .45? Or, are you just going to jump off a bridge? Your gonna have to stand in line with all the Foxsters. Tommy D

    2. I stopped watching television 11 years ago and freed my mind of the main tool used by government to turn me into someone like you.

    3. Obama's endless wars? Obama? Crony capi....


      Sarah? Sarah Palin, is that you?

      Thanks for coming by. Thanks for so aptly summarizing all the conservative hysterical fearmongering gibberish of the last four years. In the future, may I respectfully recommend that you close with "He's coming to take our guns! He's coming to take our guns!" I think it would give your comment a bit more punch.

      Smartassary aside, sincerely thank you, Anonymous, thank you for so succinctly demonstrating why the republican party is slowly and surely making itself irrelevant. I appreciate it.

    4. I won't argue. My point is that anyone who is a groupie for either corrupt party is in a state of blind devotion that is particularly pathetic to behold. Both Democrat and Republican leaders are owned by the Central Banks, Wall Street, and the military industrial complex which is financed by both; hence, the perpetual state of war we are in under each successive leader:

      Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes; and armies, and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few. In war, too, the discretionary power of the Executive is extended; its influence in dealing out offices, honors, and emoluments is multiplied: and all the means of seducing the minds, are added to those of subduing the force, of the people. The same malignant aspect in republicanism may be traced in the inequality of fortunes, and the opportunities of fraud, growing out of a state of war, and in the degeneracy of manners and of morals, engendered by both. No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.

      The ignorant sheep or fake patriot who gets his information from the television and does not study history or knows nothing about the laws our leaders are supposed to follow will be like Jim Wright and Tommy D and all the other big government worshipers who will get the boot on their face one day and lick it while being crushed.

    5. By the way, I'm a Constitutionalist and would have preferred Ron Paul as president. So, I voted for Gary Johnson.

    6. Ah, not Sarah Palin after all. A Ron Paul conspiracy theorist. I should have guessed right up front, but that crony capitalism comment threw me off. Well done.

      You've had your say, Anonymous, you've hit every libertarian talking point top to bottom just like you copied it out of the brochure. I'm not going to engage, obviously it would be a complete waste of time. You've got me all figured out.

      You're done now, you can quit hovering around. Any future comments from you will be removed without further comment. As a libertarian, I'm sure you'll have no problem with being escorted off my property, forgive me that I don't do it at gunpoint, I know how you guys love that, but I don't feel like opening the weapons safe at the moment.

    7. I realize I'm late on this one Jim but I had a few thoughts for “AnonymousNovember 8, 2012 2:42 PM”

      And the award for pompous blowhard goes to...

      At the risk of stating the obvious we sure are glad you came out to preach the word about how much more clearly you see the world than the rest of us. Oddly enough as I was reading your highly amusing comments I kept hearing 'I am a sensitive artist' playing in the background because it surely is you in one. You may not have noticed it but pretty much the rest of us are living out here on planet earth where governments are the current methodology that seem to yield the best results for the most people.

      Now I know you don't watch the TeeVee (because you said so) but you should know there's this fellah on one of them channels who refers to a land from which you appear to hail. It's called 'Bullshit Mountain' and it is the kind of special place reserved for people who don't consume the mainstream media because it might interfere with the vacuum sealed echo chamber mentality. It must be nice to live in the fantasy of a anarcho-syndicalist commune where you can pass judgement on those of us living in the thrall of 'the man'.

      Believe it or not the vast majority of people who see the use in government, at some fundamental level, understand that it is a mechanism for making life a little bit simpler rather than having to scrape it out from the confines of our personal armed compounds. I am confident that you and Rousseau can find your way back to that blissful time when we all just got along because of our inherent nobility.

      I'm gonna guess a pretty significant chunk of us have read a page or two of history and (when we weren't sidetracked by Ayn Rand) noticed how much shittier the whole story reads up until not that long ago. Hell it's still pretty shitty for a pretty large chunk of the species right now but the largest number of human beings in the history of our semi-simian clan enjoy a non-shitty life because we've been tweaking this government thing for a few millenia.

      Also....if you really want us to 'free our minds' you have to wiggle your fingers like Doug Henning or the magic doesn't take.


  61. I stopped watching television 11 years ago and freed my mind of the main tool used by government to turn me into someone like you, Tommy D.

    1. Now that hurt. Someone like Tommy D, huh? Apparently the Internet hasn't done you any good either. I actually don't watch much TV....well maybe Overhaulin and This Old House.

      What was your MOS Anonymous? Where did you serve in the Marines? (I guess that's where I get my incurable aggression.) But then, I am currently "enslaved" in my gov't work specializing in search and rescue. (Which is where I get my compassion.) I am well paid. Have a stable home life. Gladly pay my taxes. And every once in awhile, I help someone come home alive from the worst, fucking places in the world.

      Hence my recommendation (and now desire) that you put yourself out of your obvious misery. I'm sorry you've lost track of what it means to be an American and productive member of society. But seriously, the country won out last Tuesday. You won't be able to see the corner we have turned cause you will be rolled into a permanent fetal position. Mah Sallamah - Tommy D

    2. Don't blame the TV, it's just wires and lights in a box.

  62. So here's hoping that the hardcore right will stick to their guns. If America's ship has sailed, if the genie won't go back in the bottle, if we've passed the tipping point, there is not purpose in continuing to try to "save" America. Their resources would be much better spent on some other, more promising, prospect. They can leave this doomed nation to us: the degenerates, deviants, and dark skinned. Please, oh please, let them give up on us and inflict themselves on some other, better culture so we can go to hell in our own way.


  63. My comment in '08 on several 'conservative' boards was 'America, Love it or Leave it'. I do not have the heart to do it this time around. My fiancee is Russian, 'Make Love, not War' still applies, and is a lot more fun.

    Thanks for the writing. It is a joy to read. A friend of mine, who is an ardent TP, hates what you say, but has nothing but praise for how you say it.


  64. As always, Jim, sly and funny. I guess in my post-election-night-party-hungover-stupor I missed the wailing and gnashing of teeth. And really had no interest in hearing it. After months of Chris Murphy and Vampire McMahon I'd had it here in CT. And it freaking SNOWED. Weather peeps didn't even get close. So, we're all still here, I joined the Socialist Party, and now I'm gonna be busy trying to splain to people why it is better to share...

  65. Oh, and my newest incarnation, Theodore Winston-Blue, has extended an invitation to you. My lack of restraint of keyboard earned me a permanent inability to comment. I had to disappear...

  66. Wonderful, wonderful post. I am always amazed at the typos/errors people find in your writing. I guess I am so easily mezmerized by what you say that I just don't see them, but it is part of the fun to go back and see if I can find them after they are pointed out, but before they are changed. You are just a wealth of entertainment, and yes I suspect the mezmerized is misspelled and maybe misspelled is misspelled too.

    1. I'm the same way most of the time don't see the errors as my mind reads the message in context unless it doesn't make sense.

  67. Well...I hate long form blogging. Mostly because its mostly boring.

    Thanks for not being boring. I'll modify my opinion.

    Weather report: mostly dry here in Texas but with frequent wetness from the tears of the tea party; however, soon dried by the warm winds of despair.

    I've been unfriended today and yesterday by several folks. I love it when the herd gets thinned by natural selection.

    Kind regards from the land of Ted,
    Don aka treehugger in Huaco and other aliases.

  68. I read the comments rules and the link about what it means to be a warrant officer. Very cool. I realize now there's a lot more tactical reasoning to how the military is set up than I knew before. Also a lot is two words, i didn't know that.
    I wish i could read all the comments but there's just too many.
    I think we should keep the celebration to a minimum and keep our eyes open. Its nice to know we won and its a big win but even if the republican party is broken i don't think its just going to go away. They won't forget this either.
    I'm worried that we've gotten pulled into too much bickering and arguing and schoolyard dissing in general over the last four years. Even if we feel threatened or mistreated or outraged we can't fight fire with fire. We can't play their game or we'll end up not seeing things as clearly, lose our perspective. I think that's the legacy of toxic partisanship both sides get dragged into generalizing even if only in a rhetorical sense (i did it six sentences ago but i couldn't think of a better way to say it).

    We cant outrun our shadows and we don't want to, We need to really show that everyone's ideas and concerns will be met with understanding and an open mind. Even nascar fans.

    We need all Americans to be America. Beliefs are not so simply defined as left or right. Beliefs are complex and subtle things sometimes even radical ones (sometimes especially).

    And we are not complete without opposite viewpoints.
    Also the "Love America trilogy" was really good, like "wow this happens to other people too?" good. This piece (since you seem to be concerned) is sophisticated writing.
    p.s. google wont believe my last name is a real name so i think ill be posting as unknown
    whatever. ill just be making up a fake one once it clears.

  69. Just found you through a friend on Facebook. You are now only the 2nd blog I cram into my day.

  70. You scare me Jim. I always avoid the fast lane and hope you never run over me and my little Subaru. That said, I love your post.


    1. I always avoid the fast lane

      And I appreciate it ;)

  71. After swearing I'd never do it again after dropping a tiny sardonic comment on a flat-earth blog four years ago, and being pelted with bile from all four corners as a result, I went and did it again last night. I accidentally tripped over a blogger incensed about the election who could not prevent himself from pissing on about the revelers "jigging and dancing" at Obama's election-night soiree. I merely said "'jigging and dancing?' Really? You're going there?" Tough stuff, I know. So today I dropped back in and found my comment the centerpiece of a new post. Let's just say the fellow was not contrite. Nor was his pack of ravening commenters. It was beyond ugly. My heart rate spiked and I found myself glancing out the window in search of the gun-wielding mob.

    And then I came here. Thank you for cleansing my soul.

    1. You cannot reason with unreasonable people, Murr. Attempting to do so will give you stomach cancer.

    2. And I'm with Jim when I say, you cannot reason with these people.
      People who say stupid shite like:

      Or This:

      You CANNOT reason with them. They must be fought, with facts and common sense, and by any other means they choose.

    3. Yeah Murr - It is amazing how the most "Christian" American will grow horns and turn into a frothing maniac when you authoritatively dismantle their faith based vision of a Christian America, Christian Right (political and absolute), Christian education (superstition over science) and their obsequious support of Israel (they killed Jesus (a Jew), but we need them for the Rapture).

      Flying out of Denver the other day, I stopped at a kiosk to purchase a gift for the wife. The nice kiosk lady immediately stated that she did not know what she was going to do now that Obama was reelected. I offered that she just continue living as usual. She countered that the economy was about the crash, her taxes were going to double and most of the military would quit (unlikely, otherwise I would have done so several times).

      She said that "Obama got away with Benghazi and no one held him accountable." "Accountable for what?" "Killing Americans!!" ......sigh. Who could have known that Kiosk lady was a moran. At least she was functional enough not to screw up my purchase.

      I like to tell these people that playgrounds are communist so their kids will play in the street. And safety guards on power tools are a Muslim invention meant to emasculate the free will of the American man. Anything to further shift the balance. Although the election seemed to do that fairly well. It is fun sometimes to stir up their sad little ant hill. Tommy D

    4. >And safety guards on power tools are a Muslim invention meant to emasculate the free will of the American man.

      Oh, you're good, real good! I'm gonna give that one some legs! ;-)

      and playgrounds _are_ communist.. _that's_ the whole point! ;-)


  72. You put my thoughts and feeling into words in a fine manner. You made me smile, thanks.

  73. Your previous commenters have typed almost every superlative in the dictionary already, so I will just pronounce your entry as 'epic.'

    First time visiting today - it will not be the last!

  74. You know what would've made the election perfect for me? The House and Senate both becoming (super) majority Democratic (irrespective of statistical probability), Rand Paul and Scott Walker being recalled and replaced (irrespective of that not being on the ballot), Paul Ryan losing his seat, Michelle Bachmann losing her seat, GMO labelling being required in California, the Death Penalty being overturned in California, and Texas electing Paul Sadler to the US Senate (rather than the Tea party nutjob Ted Cruz that got elected). Yes, America...while the rest of you were out giving the Tea Party a hearty and well-deserved kick in the ass...Texans were foaming at the mouth to welcome and empower them. *faceplant*

    I was so bummed about the first one and the last one especially (and frankly, so *worn out over the whole thing*) that I didn't even realise how well this election had gone. It's only *just now*...THREE DAYS LATER...that I'm even starting to be relaxed and able to enjoy this. I wept with relief and literally danced with joy at President-elect Obama's victory speech in 2008. I still haven't been able to watch the 2012 speech, because still, three days after the event, I feel like I've been in a bar brawl. I'm not gloating on Facebook (in fact, I'm making it a point to post frivolous quizzes and cute animals just for some time away from it all). I'm not gloating on Twitter. I'm not gloating on other forums. I'm not gloating anywhere. I'm not even gloating PRIVATELY. I think people at work think I voted for Romney, because I've been so quiet, reserved and downright depressed (which is entirely unlike me). Today was the first day I watched Rachel Maddow and Jon Stewart's reactions. And I'm so over it all, all I could muster was a weak smile, when I should be absolutley roiling in ecstasy.

    The absolute worst part about it? Of the candidates who got the MOST press? Ron Paul, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Rick Perry, Michelle Bachmann, Herman Cain, Tim Pawlenty and Mitt Romney? Romney was the most reasonable of them!

    Surely, SURELY there are more people like Maureen Walsh in the Republican party. Somewhere. Right? RIGHT???

  75. Another wonderful post, Jim.

    I remember back when America's two largest political parties were often on opposing sides of the issues.

    But I never imagined there'd come a day when we'd actually subscribe to two completely different realities -- the Dems' supported (IMHO) most often by documented evidence and the desire to make life better for as much of the electorate as possible, the Repubs' based apparently on greed, ignorance, prejudice and thumping a 2000-year-old self-help book.

    While it's exceptionally humane of you to try and talk despondent conservatives down off the ledge, it really seems like a lost cause based on the many hateful (and decidedly unpatriotic) reactions I've read.

    As for reaching out to the poor "perplexed" Palin-ites, the most compassionate advice can be conveyed in a single word . . .


  76. "The GOP would make corporations into citizens and citizens into property".
    So true, as succinct as are your side notes of "But I digress". The lead into the Benghazi Fog of War for example was inspired and exposed that utterly cynical opportunism of the RR campaign.

    I keep repeating myself with each one of your posts:
    "This is the best one yet!"
    ...and then you write another, and I do it again...

  77. 'Twas a beautiful day in the Ol' Dominion yesterday! Drop-dead gorgeous mornin' today, too! Two days in a row? Hmmmm... Methinks we might be on to somethin'.

    "It's the end of the world as we know it--and I feel fine..."

  78. Thanks for this tour de force of GOP history and the end of the world that didn't happen. This is one of the best I've ever read. In the Bible, "end," often refers to "end of the age," a transition - one era to another. In that respect, "the end" occurred" - the end of Koch Bros and their minions, the end of the t-bags and the rage, the end of many things, and the start of something new.

    I'm saving your post - will read it now and then. Thanks.

  79. Greatly enjoy your writings, keep it up. The uber nazis did get one thing for their buck. A huge tax write off. We, as usual, pay for their shit....

  80. Once again Jim you make me laugh and think at the same time.
    Found this on Snopes, I'd heard about Ted Nugent the draft dodger story during the election, always making reference to shitty jeans. Now I know the full story. I know Snopes lists it as undetermined, but the story has the ring of truth to me.

    1. Thanks for posting that. What a narcissist. He seriously calls himself a patriot, yet says shit like that. Yes, it does have the ring of truth. But ya know what? Let him keep talking. I'm sure the GOP cringes whenever he opens his mouth. He's a boon for our side.

    2. I don't give two shits how he evaded the draft, he's a fucking chickenshit, tub-thumping, useless pile of dog crap with no musical ability, no ethics and no morals.

      Patriot my chapped ass. My dog is a bigger patriot than Ted Nugent.


    Just to prove they are still out there this pile of dreck just slithered its way into my inbox.
    Subscribe to these guys for the giggles they provide!

    1. Long Ben, I am trying to get my jaw back on its hinges! Not only is the original post straight out of the Bearded Spock universe, but the nutjob commenters arguing one whackaloon theory against the other - it's like watching a school of pirhana feasting on each other. (but I bet even pirhana don't do that)
      Oh! Oh! Scroll way down, and one of them even mentions Flouride In The Water!


      Now, if you will excuse me, I have to go and put some ice on my brain.

  82. What a wonderful essay. I enjoyed every sentence, especially where you called Ted Nugent out on his military cowardice. lol! Brilliant!

    After I read this, though, with all this beautiful prose about freedom and the future, I thought of all the sick comments I read on the GOP blogs yesterday...I mean, SICK. It was frightening, seriously. But hey...they lost, inspiring writing like THIS.

    What a wonderful world.

    The Mayans said that a new era would be ushered in on Dec. 21, 2012. I couldn't help but think of their prediction with the outcome of this election. Of course, the world could still explode on that date, but I'm sticking with you. :)

  83. Okay folks, now what? We've accomplished a good thing, re-electing the President to do his job. Now we need to back him, again. Just casting your vote is not the same thing as getting the job done. It's just letting the man into the position so he can start doing the work of fixing and improving the country.

    So, what now? We need to write letters to our legislators -the lame ducks, now, and the new people who will be sworn in come January. First and foremost, we need a Senate that can function. The current Senate filibuster rules lets any one Senator block any and all legislation. For those who do not know, the filibuster is a Senate rule [not a law] that allows one Senator to block a bill from coming up for a vote unless 60 Senators vote to release it. A bill might have 51 or more Senators who want to pass it, but this rule effectively requires a 60 vote majority for legislation. It used to be difficult to filibuster, but now it's almost routine for bills to need a supermajority. Nothing in the country can get done just because an anonymous windbag doesn't like it. Some reactionary elected by fewer people than live in an average small town can hold legislation benefiting the whole country hostage. (Entire states in the Midwest or Alaska, sorry Jim, have a lower population than a small fraction of LA or NYC.) The GOP got away with filibustering bills in unprecedented numbers (250+) over the last 4 years, to the point that the Senate is ineffective. Government budgets can't even get passed, then the GOP blames this on the Democrats and the President.

    I'm not saying we should ask for the filibuster to be eliminated, just reduced in power. A Senator should have to do more than invoke the word filibuster and walk away forever. The Senator should have to stay in the Senate chamber to block a bill, or put in some real effort. The filibuster status and that Senator's name should be shown in the bill's public status on the web (right now on, soon moving to, now in beta testing). Finally, there should be a public list of Senator's names who filibustered bills. This total blockage of a vote on a bill should be an extraordinary measure reserved for when a Senator stands on principle, so it should be hard to do.

    Once they have a political system that can work, they need to know what the country needs. Fix the unbalanced tax system, raise taxes where they need it, close loopholes like carried interest. Whatever is your point of view, let the people we elected know!

    Sorry for the long winded rant, Jim. Maybe you can let us (your readers) know what you think about this topic?

    1. I live in Texas. We just elected a Tea Party Senator.

      Frankly, I'll save my time and energy. :-/

  84. Thanks for leading me here, Mary Ann. Wonderful stuff here, Jim. You have another devoted fan. I've read several superb postings in the last few days and it occurred to me I've never seen any funny writing from the right. At all. David Brooks did a good piece on Romney a few weeks ago, but David Brooks is hardly to the right in this environment; his self-deprecation alone disqualifies him and he too easily recognizes the absurdity of the extreme. I'm assuming it's because you must have perspective to have humor; it's the same reason you'll never see a mirror image Stewart or Colbert. Anyway, I need your help. I know that he's pathetic and irrelevant and all, but how do I exorcise from my consciousness the nearly orgasmic vision of my fist careening into Nugent's face and splitting his nose? Any advice on restoring my liberal tolerance would be appreciated.

  85. Thanks for leading me here, Mary Ann. Wonderful stuff here, Jim. You have another devoted fan. I've read several superb postings in the last few days and it occurred to me I've never seen any funny writing from the right. At all. David Brooks did a good piece on Romney a few weeks ago, but David Brooks is hardly to the right in this environment; his self-deprecation alone disqualifies him and he too easily recognizes the absurdity of the extreme. I'm assuming it's because you must have perspective to have humor; it's the same reason you'll never see a mirror image Stewart or Colbert. Anyway, I need your help. I know that he's pathetic and irrelevant and all, but how do I exorcise from my consciousness the nearly orgasmic vision of my fist careening into Nugent's face and splitting his nose? Any advice on restoring my liberal tolerance would be appreciated.

  86. More people should read your blogs - they are great! Check out this call for bloggers & reply to them.

  87. I think Ted Nugent was crying blood because he was in jail. That is the only option because he couldn't cry if he was dead (Ted's April quote: "If Barack Obama becomes the President in November again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year.") I wish if someone was going to be outspoken and inflamatory they would have the backbone to suck it up and do what they say they are going to do? Or shut up!!!
    Now that I have read your post for the first time I think I am hooked. Remember me when you conquer the universe (are to talking about the whole universe or just the known universe?) Are you going to need a sidekick? Most superheros have one.

    1. Technically Nugent's got until April to make good on his promise. If he doesn't I sure hope a lot of folks will take a few minutes out their days to remind him to get a move on.. Early. And often.

  88. As always a great read. I live in Indiana...I have a vagina, uterus and a brain! I early voted after watching the senatorial debate here. All I can say is Mourdock would have made one scarey Senator so the people of Indiana wisely voted in Rep.Joe Donnelly.

    WHAT I can not understand is the choice the people made for our Gov. Mike Pence the religious freak that thinks women should walk two steps behind a man. He wanted to be the president.... I wish he would have been in the republican primary to open the eyes of the voters in this state. I feel that I will be watching my freedom of CHOICE and every other woman's go by the wayside. The religious right will not take long to put their agenda into action with the new Gov.

    My husband (thanks to all of the taxpayers)got a job through the recovery act stimulus money. He worked as a contractor for a regulatory agency here and now has been hired by the state. He will be working with the legislators and the new gov trying to implement and pass REGULATIONS to protect the people of this state. He sees big roadblocks ahead. Pence is a non-regulations man. My better half is a registered republican but voted straight democrat. He believes in a balanced government. WE DO NOT HAVE THAT. Republicans have a super majority now--house, senate and executive branches. Heaven help our state!

  89. Sorry Pancho, I think you are at the end of a long line of sidekick applicants.....


  90. sparkly gay atheist fascists running free in the streets

    You mean I wore my sparkles for nothing?

  91. Honey, learn to edit. Seriously. You made good points, just ad nauseum.
    Editing is your friend.

    1. And another member of the soundbite generation weighs in. It's too long, it's toooooooo loooooong! Why do I have to read so much? Woe! Woe!


      Thanks for the advice, Sweetie, but I think I'll just keep on writing what I want to write, exactly the way I want to write it.

      Here's the bottom line: when you start paying me, you can start telling me how to write.

      Until then, if you can't manage more than a single line of text without your attention wandering, you're welcome to fuck right off back to Twitter.

      That succinct enough for ya?

    2. Now Jim, remember: Coffee first, then email. OK?

      In any case, your reply was too long for his/her/its attention span as well.

      BTW, I would indeed pay you to write. but I wouldn't want to tell you what.

      Stay well.

    3. Random critics who drive by and anonymously throw advice out their window like litter in my front yard annoy me. Assholes like this are spawned from the same pond as spammers.

    4. anon 7:17 am:
      piss. off.

      Don't like? Don't read. Don't stay.


    5. Er, my apologies if I sounded like I was giving advice: I was trying for humor, but my aim faded with the light.

    6. Eh. No, Yogi. I was referring to the Anonymous critic. Your comment amused me as I assume it was supposed to.

    7. If you're going to complain about the editing, maybe you should learn that it's "ad nauseam" first.

  92. "You're welcome to fuck right off back to Twitter."

    LOVE IT!

    Jim you are a hero.

  93. Not going to lie; I'm a little jealous of your restraint. I don't have the courage, the physical health and strength, or the emotional stability to join the armed forces. I hold no delusions about this. It makes me feel ever more indebted to the citizens who HAVE served, and even more disgusted of people who could serve, but refuse to.
    My youngest brother joined the Fighting Seabees just out of high school, and the Navy has given him a focus and sense of responsibility that he never displayed before. He has cooperated in training exercises with other sovereign nations, helped rebuild Haiti after a devastating earthquake, gotten used to 18-hour days, and almost never takes a vacation. He barely sees his daughter, and the one hour that he can spend each day curled up with his dog and his wife are more than precious. It is sickening that anyone who purposely avoided giving of themselves (for whatever reason) to criticize or dismiss anyone who has answered the call, and I think you have a fantastically civilized way of coping with those scum. Thank you for being so no-nonsense without sinking to name-calling and violence, thank you for not simply dismissing your fellow Americans (even if they don't seem to give you the same courtesy), and thank you for serving.

  94. I live in Texas, too, and I intend to keep bugging the hell out of both our Republican Senators. They "represent" me, whether they want to or not, so I'm gonna let them know what I think. Often. THis will someday be a blue state again, and it will happen a lot sooner if we all stay involved. The apathy of a hell of a lot of Texas voters in off-year elections is what got us into this mess in our state, and it is going to take a lot of work to fix it. Your energy is really needed.

  95. Love the article and enjoyed the comments but one small complaint (not directed at anyone in particular): One may refer to a person as a Democrat OR as Democratic but the correct name of the party is the "Democratic Party". It is both incorrect and annoying for people to refer to "Democrat ideas" or ""Democrat Senator (or Congressperson, etc.") or, Goddess forbid, "Democrat Party".

    Please leave these unfortunate terms to the ignoranuses (misspelling intentional) like Limbaugh, Coulter, and their ilk, who use the terms to display their monumental disdain for reality and accuracy.

    Thank you.

  96. Bravo! And what hurts the GOPers the most is that they were flim-flammed by one of their own!

  97. Awesome! And what burns the GOPers the most is that they were flim-flammed by one of their own!


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