Saturday, May 7, 2011

Bullwinkle In The House

Thought you all might dig a bit of Alaska.


Big cow moose next to my shop this morning. She’s a regular visitor around here.












  1. Nice shots Jim.
    I sure will miss them big dumb swamp donkeys.

  2. We're going to miss you too, Ed.

  3. Those are fabulous shots!

    Is that the stock lens or sumfin special?

  4. Michelle, It's a stabilized 200mm Nikor Lens on my D5000. All of these shots were in fully auto mode so that I could use the motor drive function - i.e. about six shots a second. I took about a thousand pictures or so. Man, I love digital photography. I was maybe 30 feet away from her - she's pretty used to me, but I was careful nonetheless.

  5. Stunning Photos Jim, like I could reach out and touch her. I wouldn't, cause you know I am not stupid like that, but if I really wanted to and didn't know any better, i could.

  6. Michelle, I misspoke in my previous comment. Just looked at the camera and realized I actually had the 55-300mm zoom lens mounted instead of the 200mm fixed. It's a Nikkor DX 55-300mm: This one

  7. She must be in heat. It's that time of year after all.

  8. Sorry, Anonymous, moose typically go into rut in the late fall, not the spring. That's why the bulls have their full antlers in the fall. The cows go into estrus usually in September and October, gestate during the winter and deliver around May or June.

    This cow is an older female, she's a regular around here. She typically has one or two yearling calves with her this time of year, but I didn't see any today - so it's possible that she lost the calf to the winter or that it has already gone off on its own. She had healed scars on her flanks from a bull's hooves, so she likely mated in the fall, though she doesn't look like she's about to deliver to me - thought that's hardly definitive. I'll have to keep an eye out and see if she returns with a calf.

  9. Well, she does have quite a nose on her but those big brown eyes make up for it.


  10. You still haven't moved that boat? not surprising and yes nice shootin there Deadeye.

  11. I can't afford to change my camera body, by I'm trying to get an idea of possible add'l lens for this summer. (And I'm stocking up on SD cards.) Another stupid question--did you use a tripod? (I'm still lousy at using 'em, but I love how crisp those shots are.)

    Course, it's as much eye as hardware.

    Nice eye.

  12. Here I sat, thinking I should go get the camera and try to sneak a shot of the turkey carelessly approaching the house, when you distracted me. I will NEVER have a chance to photograph moose out my window. Mostly, I'm glad about that.

    Mary Anne in Kentucky

  13. Does ShopKat notice/care about these large visitors? Since she's Queen of the area, perhaps she doesn't even waste energy on her "minions".

  14. (Nope, I didn't get him. As soon as I put the laptop aside, before I stood up, he was off running for the woods. Turkey season's not over yet.)

    Mary Anne in Kentucky

  15. Can your moose see Boris & Natasha from her house?

  16. She just appreciates a man who is good with his hands.

  17. Beastly, don't get me started on that goddamned boat. I'd like to shove it down the hill.

    Michelle, no tripod. Fast shutter speed and bright sunlight. Not to be an ass, but the crispness (sharpness) of these pictures was actually toned down (softened) a little when I reduced the sizes in photoshop for posting. Truthfully, they are so sharp because of the Nikon lens. There just isn't any substitute for that glass. Beastly can tell you, he's the one who taught me.

  18. meredithp: Shopkat considers herself equal to any moose. She watched this one from the shop door, and you could tell she was wondering how it would taste - like a big mouse.

  19. Not an ass. It's true. But really really good glass and bodies are out of my range, so I try to make the best with what I have. And pick up any tricks when and where I can.

    Bright sunlight? I don't think I'm familiar with this--can you buy it on Amazon? Is it expensive?

  20. Seeing your pics gave me a flashback to the opening credits of Northern Exposure. I had a love/hate view of that show, mainly due to a crush on the female lead :-)

  21. I'm not that shy, just unsure of how to post using my name given the options listed...if this try works I just want to say that I've really enjoyed your writing since I discovered this site.

  22. Anonymous@10:03 most Alaskans tend to spit on the ground when you mention that show. Watch where you step, is what I'm saying here. ;)

  23. @Michelle: Yes.

    @Jim: I have a Nikkor 55-300, and it's probably my favorite lens.

  24. I'm anonymous/Kevin, and as a lifelong northern British Columbian, I knew and loathed the silliness of the show's lack of deep snow/hyper freezing temperatures. I just lusted after the lead actress who's name escapes me for the moment. Really liked the moose pictures though; I've seen hundreds of moose during my present stint in my isolated ghost town.

  25. Michelle, I'd offer to box up some extra bright L.A. sunlight and send it to you, because we usually have more than we need. But it looks like it's moved up north because it's been overcast for a few days.

    Jim, awesome shots.

  26. Am I the only one who thought, "Hey, Rocky -- watch me pull a rabbit outta my hat!" But that trick never works . . . .

  27. Um, I hate to be the only sensitive person here, but shouldn't that have been "Cow-winkle In The House"?

    Or, or, maybe, the original Bullwinkle wasn't really male, either, after all. You know, Rocket J. was voiced by a lady. Maybe they were both girls, but the comics couldn't really show them that way, you know, 60's mores and such. That would give a new slant on Rocky's and Winky's friendship. I mean, are you gonna draw genitals on comics characters? Television Code folks would be right down on you if you tried to do that! We can't have children watching two women be friends, with no man there to tell the what to do. That'll never fly!

    Winky and Rocky, Thelma and Louise of the sapient animal set! Yeah! I like it...

    defuste: Somebody get that damn tea bagger out of there!


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