Thursday, March 18, 2010


Spent all evening in the shop.

I didn’t have time to write a post, but this SMBC pretty much sums up what I was thinking about:


  1. What, no Senator jumping up to rage against protons colliding at relativistic speeds before marriage? Nobody roaring that particle accelerators are a slippery slope to same-neutrino interactions, a threat to God-sanctioned particle physics, and must be banned for the children's sake? Nobody telling the scientist that he will never get the sixty votes necessary to produce neutrinos?

    A completely unrealistic portrayal of how the Senate functions. There just aren't enough assholes depicted.

  2. Ahhhhh, they are both protons. Looks like homo-sex to me! Now we will see the republicans trying to ban all government funding of research.

  3. Baryonic same-sex fusion might be okay for those crazy librul hydrogen nuclei over in the sun's core, but in mah uhmerica we don't hold with that, and I will oppose any legislation that attempts to fund this ungodly practice.

  4. Baryonic same-sex fusion might be okay for those wacko librul hydrogen nuclei over in the sun's core, but in mah uhmerica we don't hold with such ungodly practices and I will oppose any and all legislation that attempts to fund or approve of this practice.

  5. The Bible don't say nothin' bout no nukular fusion, so it doesn't really happen! It's just a cockamamie theory you scientists cooked up to try to jack up our taxes....

    God made all the helium we'll ever need 6000 years ago when he made the earth.

  6. Well, most colliders are probably associated with colleges. And some people experiment with same electrical charges in college.

  7. Apologies for the double. My comments seem to be taking forever to show up, and this damn netbook tiny keyboard isn't helping re: typos.


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