Thursday, December 10, 2009

About the Lack of Posting

As you may have noticed, these been a marked decrease in posting around here this last few days.

As in none.

Sorry about that.

Been terribly busy. Had a kid type crisis to deal with. Late night Emergency Room visit and follow up specialist appointments yesterday for what we thought might be an eye related injury - nothing to worry about, as it turns out. No physical injury despite getting elbowed in the eye, Monday in gym class. His eyes are perfect (better actually, at 20/15) but he suffered an episode of visual disruption. The episode, as it turns out, probably indicates the onset of visual affect migraines (which I guess is better than the detached retina I was worried about). He's the right age for it, and both his mother and I suffer from them (though I don't get visual effects other than light sensitivity). I can't tell you how much this thrills us.

And then last night I was at the Alaska Natural History Museum until late, for my wife's company's annual Christmas party. Awesome food, fancy clothes, live music, great company - forgive me if I'd rather do that than sit in front of the computer. Not that I don't love each and every one of you in your own special way, but seriously folks the dessert bar alone (chocolate dipped strawberries and cheesecake) could have made me give up writing forever and become a professional glutton. Afterward we had a 70 miles drive home in ice fog and didn't get in until midnight - so, you know, no blogging.

Anyway, we will now resume our regularly scheduled broadcast.

Later this evening.


Unless something comes up.

Not that that ever happens.


  1. The desert bar?

    Glad to hear your son's okay. Hope you left some strawberries for the rest of us.

  2. I'm glad for your son that there's no vision problem, but, man oh man, Rats! on the beginning of migraine problems.

    There was research published yesterday on cluster headaches, which is my bane. If treated promptly with oxygen, the duration and severity can be reduced. Now all I have to do is figure out how to get some oxygen when I feel one of those things coming on.

    vicider - operating a device with six sides.

  3. And as usual, he didn't save us any of the desserts. Hmph.

    Glad your son is ok, not sure what it means that the lessor of the two evils was pre-migraine syndrome visual auras. I get those with my worst migraines, not fun, although preferable to the days of vise-crushing brain pain. Usually I just lose focus in one eye and squint alot.

  4. Not that I don't love each and every one of you in your own special way, but seriously folks the dessert bar alone (chocolate dipped strawberries and cheesecake) could have made me give up writing forever and become a professional glutton.

    That's cruel there Mister Wright. Just cruel.

    Sorry about the migraines for the kid though. That just sucks.

  5. The desert bar?

    Well the cheesecake was a little dry.

  6. Oh, man - glad to hear it's not an injury, sad to hear it might be the beginning of a long term condition. ::solidarity fist bump to Jim::

    const - when you're so constipated you can't even finish the word...

  7. Glad the kid's relatively alright, Jim. Times like this, I'm glad I'm not a parent.

  8. First wife had those, not pretty.

    It takes practice to become a professional glutton, I've been working on it close to 30 years now.

    sollog - SOLitary bLOGing

  9. Oh, sorry, the cheesecake was a little dry.

    My diamond shoes are too tight and my wallet won't hold all these 50s.

    yeah, yeah, yeah. You were out hunting moose, weren't you?

    (but, yeah, also glad the kid's eyes are okay, but sucks about the migraines)

  10. Moose?

    No, Steve, I was at the buffet, hunting rare lamb chops and giant prawns. Also caribou sausage. And some kind of Florentine cheese puffs.


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