Sunday, November 15, 2009

Off to Anchorage for the Day

We're going to see the new John Cusack movie 2012.

Hey, I like big budget disaster flicks.

Towering Inferno? I'm there. Poseidon Adventure? Sure. Deep Impact? Oh hell yes (But not Armageddon, you've got to have some standards). Deep Impact is quite possibly my favorite disaster movie, evah, well, next to ID4, that is.

And speaking of Armageddon, big budget disaster flicks lately tend to be showcases for special effects, say like the excretable The Day After Tomorrow, great special effects, idiot plot, ridiculous science, and bad acting but it was Oscar material personified compared to some, say like War of the Worlds (Christ, I really, really hoped the martians would vaporize Dakota Fanning, really just kill her and eat her already. Hey overall the movie was fun, especially that flaming train scene and the ferry crossing, but the actors were just friggin' obnoxious tools).

I don't have any high expectations when it comes to 2012, but I really want to see that scene where New York slides into the ocean on crumpling tectonic plates. Oh baby. I don't give much credence (OK, none) to the whole ZOMG! THE WORLD IS GONNA END IN 2012! CUZ THE MAYANS SAID SO! thing but I expect the movie will be fun.

Full report upon my return from Anchorage, unless an unforeseen disaster befalls us on the way back.

You? What's your favorite disaster flick?


  1. Well, the Mayans weren't the only ones to predict it, they are merely the most well-known.

    And their calendar doesn't really end, it just rolls over to zero, like the odometer of a well-used truck - or like the date on Y2K.

  2. Warning: Post-USAF Lurker de-cloaking off the starboard beam ...

    I'd definitely have to agree with you about The Poseidon Adventure. It certainly was a disaster. Same with Armageddon.

    Oh. Wait. I see now. You mean movies about disasters ...

    Let's see ... That may actually be a little tougher.

    War of the Worlds (Original 1953 version.)
    The Day The Earth Stood Still (Original 1951 version.)
    Certainly Deep Impact makes the grade.
    Mad Max (Okay, not technically a disaster flick but definitely post-apocalyptic.)

    I actually prefer pre-CGI special effects. Somehow it feels like it took more artistic talent to make it work. Kinda like what you do with wood and all the things that chap your ass.

    Keep up the good work.


  3. Frost/Nixon would have to be my favorite disaster film. The look on Nixon's face when he realized he lost the epic, final battle was priceless.

  4. Independence Day. Will Smith + Jeff Goldblum + Harvey Fierstein + Brent Spiner + uber creeptastic aliens = total win! And hacking into an alien ship with a laptop... well, the geek in me was laughing so hard, tears were streaming down my face.

    Oh man, I love that movie!

  5. Yep - I'd have to say Independence Day for a modern film. 'Welcome to Earth' - hee

    Maybe Poseiden Adventure (1972 version) (Borgnine/Winters/Hackman/Buttons/McDowell) for a 'classic' disaster.

  6. Loved Independance Day too. Daft as a brush but it confirmed what I always suspected - that MACs are alien computers here to take over the world. Other then that, have to agree about original War... and Day... And Dakota Fanning isn't all bad as long as she remembers to stop screaming and take a breath sometimes. I actually liked Armageddon but that may be because I thought it was a comedy until about half-way through.

  7. I think I've seen the original Poseidon Adventure more than any other movie in my life. Not necessarily because it was such a great film; more so because I kept getting dragged to see it by different people.

    The seventies were great for those films, right? Airport, Towering Inferno, Poseidon Adventure, Earthquake, etc.

    Watching Towering Inferno again recently was a surreal experience. Has there ever been such a cast? I mean what other film starred both O.J. Simpson and Fred Astaire? Also starred both Steve McQueen and Paul Newman. Plus: Richard Chamberlin, Robert Vaughn and Robert Wagner. Not to mention Dabney Coleman, Mike Lookinland (aka Bobby Brady), and Maureen McGovern (who two years earlier sang the big hit song in The Poseidon Adventure).

  8. Irwin Allen. Best part of the seventies.

    Well, that and the bellbottoms.


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