Monday, July 13, 2009

Post Vacation Question

Do you unpack immediately after a long trip?

Or do you just get out your toiletries kit and sort of live out of your suitcase for a couple of days because you're a lazy bastard?

Remember, the Internet knows if you're lying.


  1. We enter through the basement, so the suitcase pretty much gets dumped out in front of the washing machine as soon as we walk in the door. Necessity kits and shoes are also stored downstairs, so the only thing that needs to come upstairs are books and loot.

    Plus? I got that OCD thing going.

  2. I find myself disbelieving the veracity of that comment. :)

  3. Depends on how soon after the trip I have to go back to work, where I've been visiting and how soon I need clean underwear...



  4. I dig through the bag for my toiletries...then I wait a week to wash everything in the suitcase 'cause it's all dirty.

    Oh, and I trip over the bag constantly no matter where I dump it.

  5. See, the idea, Nathan, is to lie. Lie your ass off.

    Like Michelle did up there in comment 1.


  6. As soon as I get home, (actually as soon as the suitcase comes out) the cats start arguing over who gets to perch on it. I'm lucky if I get it unpacked in a month.

  7. I unpack almost immediately.

    And this is NOT the snarky post you promised.

    Lazy bastard!

  8. Oh, and I mean that last line in the nicest way possible.

  9. I'm working on the snarky post, Vince, I'm working on it.

    But I'm also eating herb and lemon marinated whole chicken cooked on the grill over mesquite chunks and drinking beer - so, you know, it's gonna be a bit longer. Plus, it's still evening here and will be until about 2 AM. Alaska you know.

    Pam, us too. Both the house cats immediately claimed perches and proceeded to shed all over our luggage.

  10. Well, I came home from my last trip with almost all clean clothes. (One of the perks of visiting a parent is that you get to take your dirty laundry there to do ... what? )

    However, they're all still in their baskets. I've not gotten around to hanging them up in the closet yet. >.>

  11. Lazy bastard here. I finally took out the last couple of things from my suitcase and put it away yesterday...from my early June trip to San Diego.

    They weren't clothes - just a couple of toiletries I rarely use but like to have on hand, just in case.

    Oh, wait. I'm supposed to lie?

    I'm so efficient that I put everything away before I even get home.

  12. Don't need to unpack the toiletries because I own more than one toothbrush or stick of deodorant or bar of soap or comb. Yeah, Wendy, I own more than zero combs. Even have one at the office, though it rarely surfaces.

    Now the $300 Jobst custom compression socks? That's a different matter.

    Dr. Phil

  13. Back when I was really traveling, like 20,000+ miles a month, things got unpacked at once, because there was a more than fair chance I was leaving tomorrow.

    Now? I think I've unpacked from the May trip.

    Cats don't get a chance to sit on the luggage as a): we are down to one cat. and b): we don't let them in the bedrooms. Yes she has contacted her lawyer over this.

  14. I unpack immediately.

    I'm OCD like that.

    ::waves at Michelle::

  15. Lauren in Los AngelesJuly 14, 2009 at 11:54 AM

    My family unpacks immediately, because my husband is the one with OCD and will hound us without end until it is done.

  16. I generally only take carry-on luggage, so I really kinda don't need to.

  17. Compression hose are expensive.

    And hard to put on as well. Though the secret for the second part is to use latex or nitrile gloves, which all you to get a better grip on the hose.

  18. My question is how in hell would he even know if there was a comb in his office???

    Oh, yeah, we're supposed to lie.


  19. The comb is right in front of machine B-Kunz, one of several mid-towers sitting on my desk, and underneath an artistic grouping of alchemical potions, and right behind the main mousepad.

    I can't wear the standard size compression socks, so they're custom fit jobs.

    Dr. Phil


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