Monday, May 11, 2009

Please, Stand By

Blogger is apparently suffering some kind of bizarre seizure.

Strange things are happening in blogger land, especially with posts that contain embedding and link through. YouTube videos are not displaying, and some pictures have gone missing leaving only links behind. There are different errors depending on what browser you're using. Firefox seems most affected, Google Chrome however seems to load everything - but is running hideously slow. IE? Well, who gives a crap what IE is doing, seriously who uses it anyway?

I can't upload today's post from my blog editor either, and there isn't any way in hell that I'm going to retype it into Blogger's native editor. Screw that (and it doesn't cut 'n paste worth a crap either, the fonts and formatting go all wonky). Sigh.

It's Monday, can you tell?

I've got to run some errands in town, hopefully Blogger will have itself squared away before I get back. Otherwise I may have to unleash the velociraptors.


  1. I haven't noticed anything. Perhaps you're SPECIAL.

  2. Randle Munroe might have something on that topic, scroll down about two thirds of the way.

  3. Yes, we all know that it's Monday.

  4. There have been announcements of scheduled service outages via Dashboard (the next one appears to be scheduled Wednesday). I suspect it's not coincidental.

  5. Actually, this may be something to do with my ISP, or the internet hop to Alaska. I've been having bandwidth problems all day - and anything that links through like YouTube videos isn't loading.

    Or wasn't loading actually. It does appear to have cleared up. And the bandwidth speed tester is now showing something closer to what I actually pay for.

  6. Hmph. Took me several tries to log in just now so I could reply to posts. Kept telling me I was unauthorized.


  7. Jim,

    It's because all of the bear eggs are hatching. Everything will be fine when they fly south.

    Hang in there.

  8. Wendy, try clearing your cache and cookies, that usually fixes the problem - I've get it too whenever Blogger/Google does an upgrade.

    Nathan, bear eggs hatch in the fall, it's the moose hatchlings you have to watch out for this time of year.

  9. Wait a sec. Moose don't hatch. They emerge from the soft much in streams after transfiguring from their larval stage.

  10. "soft muck." Damn it, I can't even do jokes right today.

  11. Wendy, if you're having trouble clearing your cash and cookies, send them to me! I'll guarantee to get rid of them in a hurry for you.

    And see, even when Jim doesn't make one of his beautifully crafted posts that we all love so much, things are happening in the comments at Stonekettle Station. Is it any wonder we all congregate here regularly?

    Hmmm, cookies! Thanks, Wendy, that was quick. Chocolate chip cookies, anyone?

  12. Tom, cookies only, cash is hard to come by these days. ;D

    Actually, the history, cookie, cache and temp files on the home machine are all due for some spring housecleaning and some updated antivirus software.


  13. Hmmm, Jim, you seem to have sent your Blogger troubles to me. Just like the migraine the other day. Can't you keep anything to yourself? Or are you just a generous kinda guy?

  14. Doc, mine cleared up after I ran updates for window, norton (which I still use on my big machine until the subscription expires), and firefox.

    Blogger is going through some kind of upgrade, updating my machine seemed to fix it.


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