Friday, May 29, 2009

500 Miles

Over on Burlaki on the Thames, Ilya posted a video of The Proclaimers’ version of Roger Miller’s King of the Road.


Which, of course, put The Proclaimers earwig in my head.  I’ve had I’m gonna be 500 miles and I’m on my way playing in my brain for two days now.

There’s really only one way to deal with an earwig (well, OK, there is two ways, but I’m opposed to the bleach, power drill, and bent coat hanger method for safety reasons).  With an earwig, the best thing to do is to just fire up the album and get it out of your system*.

So this morning I’m listening to Sunshine on Leith.

Here’s the Scottish duo, Charlie and Craig Reid, better known as The Proclaimers and (I’m gonna be) 500 Miles:


* Note: Stonekettle Station does not recommend this earwig suppression method should you be afflicted with an Abba, Dancing Queen earwig – in that case, only the bleach, power drill, and bent coat hanger method has been proven as an effective treatment.

Warning: Do NOT click on the above link. No really. Not even to see insane Swedish people in tights. No, don’t do it! 


You fool! You did, didn’t you?


Bleach is under the sink. Grab the jug, come on out to the shop, we’ll use the drill press.


  1. 1) It's an earworm, not an earwig. Earwigs are creepy nasty bugs that like damp paper.

    2) There's a much easier solution to ear worms. Singing to yourself. My friend Gina uses the theme song to the Love Boat. I find that singing "All My Exes Live in Texas" works best--knocks any other song clean out of my head.

  2. It's my part of the internet and I can call it what I want.

    You're not the boss of me. Nyah!

  3. That does not make you any less wrong, however.

  4. I won't be needing the bleach, but thanks anyway. I was a child in the 70's and my mother played ABBA all the time. I can resist the temptation...

  5. That does not make you any less wrong, however.Am I married to you? Because it seems like I'm married to you.

    Chris, it's worth watching just for the bizarre outfits they're wearing. With the sound off.

  6. I feel like Winston Churchill talking to Lady Astor.

    "And if I were your (wife) I would drink it."

  7. Well, I bet he would have clicked on the Abba link.

  8. ALLLLLLL my exes live in Texas!
    Texas is the place I'd really

  9. My secret shame: I like ABBA.

    Because I <3 tight vocal harmonies.

  10. First Oprah and now this?

    It's like we don't even know you.

  11. ALLLLLLL my exes live in Texas!
    That's why I hang my hat in Tennessee!

  12. There's a great episode of "How I Met Your Mother" where they're mourning the death of Marshall's Plymouth Fiero...the car with the tape stuck so that you can only listen to that Proclaimers song.

    Over and over and over and over..............

  13. Jim i'll be up there to the shop post hast i heard 30 seconds of the starlight vocal band and i don't know if i can live much longer "you must help me CWO Wright you are my only hope"

  14. Oh, Dude, now I have to kill you all.

    Starlight Vocals Band? Argh. Sky Rockets in Flight is the worst fucking ear worm ever.


    I must now play Booker T. and the MG's at full volume to flush that shit out of my head.

  15. Where oh where are you tonight?

    Why did you you leave me here all alone?

    I searched the world over and thought I found true love.

    You met another and pthbbbbbt you wuz gone!

    Get that out of your head, motherfuckers! :D

  16. Where oh where are you tonight?

    Why did you you leave me here all alone?

    I searched the world over and thought I found true love.

    You met another and pthbbbbbt you wuz gone!

    Get that out of your head, motherfuckers! :D

  17. I'll tell you what I can't get out of my brain, is the mental image of you, John, unshaven in your underwear watching HeeHaw and singing along with Gramdpa Jones and Minnie Pearl - in Chinese.

    And it's making me laugh my ass off.

  18. On NPR a couple of years ago it was revealed that the best earworm bleach was to hum the music but not the lyrics to The Girl From Iponema. Damn, it works, too.

    BTW -- I thought I blogged a review, but I guess I never did. We saw a Sing-Along version of Mama Mia in the theatres last year and it was hilarious -- because most of never did learn the words to most of the oeuvre. Meryl Streep can do ANYTHING. (You should see her as Julia Child in a film later this summer...)

    Dr. Phil

  19. No kidding: just yesterday I heard 500 Miles on the radio and it's been in my head and I drove it out by trying to learn the drum part to Dancing Queen. I bought an electronic drum kit for my wife as a birthday / finishing her first year of grad school present, and I've been dinking around on it.

    Killing an earworm/-wig for me involves listening to successively less malignant earworms until I can sleep. They usually don't bother me if they're just rolling along in the background when I'm awake and doing things, but often when trying to get to sleep or having woken up they come on full-force and prevent sleep.

    Although we just came back from seeing Loretta Lynn and I'm scared about what my subconscious is going to do with that tonight.

    That said, travelling from TN to Alaska sounds exhausting enough that I doubt I'd need the drill press by the time I got there, but thanks for the offer!

  20. I love that song - and their accents rock. :)

  21. Completely without ABBA or Starlight Orgasm earwigs, I still clicked on your link and played it through at least 5 times.

    Never heard of the band before (why, yes, I do live under a rock) and I thank you for the link.


  22. The Girl From Iponema.

    Is it also wrong that I like this song, too?

    And Jim, you do know me. Oh, yes, you do.


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