Monday, November 17, 2008

Jerkoff of the week - Racist Idiots

Grant Griffin, a 46-year-old white Georgia native, seems to feel that the United States is going to hell in a hand basket, "I believe our nation is ruined and has been for several decades and the election of Obama is merely the culmination of the change. If you had real change it would involve all the members of [Obama's] church being deported," he said.

Yeah, that would be some real chance all right.

Cross burning. Vandalism. School children, some as young as 6 and 7 chanting "Assassinate Obama." Physical attacks. Death threats.

- These two mouth breathing racist morons in Staten Island:


who randomly assaulted Ali Kamara and beat him with a pipe and a baton - while yelling 'Obama!' These two goons wanted to be Marines - and obviously have no idea what being a United States Marine is all about, I guarantee you that these two hoods would never have made it past Week 1 of boot camp. Read the comments under the Daily*News article, if you can stomach them.

- The Secret Service is investigating a sign posted on a tree in Vay, Idaho, with Obama's name and the offer of a "free public hanging."

- In North Carolina, civil rights officials complained of threatening racist graffiti targeting Obama found in a tunnel near the North Carolina State University campus, including swastikas. Because apparently in North Carolina the symbol of Nazism is preferable to a black president. Because apparently the Nazi Swastika is more American than, oh say, an American citizen elected overwhelmingly via the democratic process.

- In a Maine convenience store, an Associated Press reporter saw a sign inviting customers to join a betting pool on when President Obama might fall victim to an assassin. The sign solicited $1 entries into "The Osama Obama Shotgun Pool," saying the money would go to the person picking the date closest to when Obama was attacked. "Let's hope we have a winner," said the sign. Having lived in Maine myself for a number of years, I have to say that it doesn't surprise me at all that the store felt comfortable putting up a sign like this and not worrying much about what customers might think - because nearly every customer would be just fine with it.

- White supremacist web sites are pulling in the new recruits. A major site,, was temporarily off-line Nov. 5 because of the overwhelming amount of activity it received after Election Day. Dalderian Germanicus, a stormfront poster from Las Vegas, said, "I want the SOB laid out in a box to see how 'messiahs' come to rest. God has abandoned us, this country is doomed." Germanicus doesn't speculate on why God has abandoned racist pinheads like himself though, or if maybe what he's doing is not something his God approves of.

The list is endless. Racist rhetoric, hate crimes, and incidents like those described above are up a hundredfold since November 6th. I guess I'm not surprised. I'm disappointed, but not surprised.

Prior to the election, I was under no illusion that racism was dead in America - but the raw, illogical, ignorant and unabashed bigotry evident in the thousands of incidents like those described above simply astounds me.

These ignorant fearful hateful idiots need to understand something, Barack Obama wasn't just elected by African American voters, he was elected to office by an overwhelming number of White voters. Barack Obama will be president because a significant majority of Americans want him in the White House. That's democracy, or our version of it anyway. That's America. Our America.

And it's time the racists got used to it.


  1. Perhaps we should just start deporting anyone who suggests God has "abandoned" America.

    But where would we put them?

    Who on earth would welcome people accustomed to only being whiny parasites?

    Sorry. A little angry, all of a sudden.

  2. Yanno, I'm not surprised these were Staten Island Guidos (and I use that term in the Rob the Bouncer sense, not the generic Italian sense).

    My wife went to a high school on the outskirts of NYC, and she got very little crap for being Chinese from Hispanics, Blacks, or most Whites. The Italians, however, were assholes. I think it's because for so long they were the lowest on the NYC White totem pole.

  3. WTF is wrong with these people?!

    Someone needs to go pee in their cheerios to give them something to actually be upset about.

  4. Hey, now: the cowards who painted tunnel walls were bitter because in North Carolina we do prefer a black President, albeit by a small margin statewide. (In my hometown, we preferred him by nearly a 2:1 margin, 62% to 38%, thanks.)

    Results were a little closer in Wake County, where NC State is located: Obama won 57% to 42%. Again, hence the cowardice of the grafftistas, who clearly don't want to express their opinions in the open (not, mind you, that somebody who paints a swastika in a tunnel is likely to be able to competently articulate an opinion worth hearing anyway).

    Sorry--have to stick up for my home state sometimes, especially when we do something right for a change. This year we voted for Obama and gave Liddy Dole a chance to go back to her hometown as a former government employee, a twofer! And if you throw in the fact that the state rejected local plastic talking head and Charlotte mayor Pat McCrory's gubernatorial bid, then my state did at least THREE things right on the 4th! So, you know--pride. (I'm so not used to this strange, glowy, warming feeling inside my chest when I think of my home state's recent political season, I may be acting funny or something, in which case I beg your indulgence.)

    So yeah, anyway, the racist cryptofascists who painted the swastikas are a minority, one hopefully in decline.

  5. (Liddy Dole's hometown being Washington, DC, in case that joke didn't quite go over. Nobody in North Carolina even knows what the woman looks like unless the newspaper photo is clearly labeled.)

  6. I wonder if there's a poll somewhere that shows how many of these slack-jawed, out-of-step, REMFy, pogue, peckernecks actually voted. If you didn't vote, you can't snivel, people.

    Where do people learn that kind of hate?

    (slithers back to the lathe to relax)

  7. You know, Karl, I knew I liked you. I just came back from a wood run, and am headed out to the lathe myself. Wine buckets, that's today's project.

    Scotte: I nearly said that these idiots should be deported, the problem is that nobody else would want them. And I understand your anger, this subject makes me angry and embarrassed and ashamed.

    Eric, I knew you'd weigh in on the NC State thing and I was interested in what you had to say. And I think the NC vote showed overwhelmingly that the racist idiots are a minority - and I think that chaps their little white sheeted asses more than anything. I hope that this entire deal backfires right in their inbred faces, and it's looking a lot like it just might do that.
    There are many reasons I hope the next four years are a resounding success, but chief among them is that a successful and popular Obama administration will do more to kick these idiots in the nuts than a hundred years of Affirmative Action. I don't want to live in their version of America - and their problem is that I'm not going anywhere, I fought for this country, it's mine and I'm not leaving. These fuckheads can either get used to it, or they are welcome to leave.

  8. Since Fresh Kills Landfill closed, there aren't very many of us who'd fight Staten Island seceding from the City. Hell, let New Jersey have 'em.

  9. The stupidity of some people never ceases to amaze me. It must be terrible to have to live with such hate in your heart. They probably enjoy torturing small children and animals also.

  10. I'm watching National Geographic Channel, a show about the Moon, the Apollo missions and the Japanese lunar orbiter.

    And then I'm looking at this topic.

    One of them is interesting, fascinating and shows what tremendous geniuses men are. The other does not.

    Disconnect much?

    Now you know why I go on and on about science literacy.

    Dr. Phil

    ps- as far as the NC elections go, if my mother could still dance, I think she would've. (grin)

  11. Ya know, ya forget those nutbags are out there sometimes and then they go prove collectively why they're the Darwin Award wannabees.

    I live in Atlanta, use public transportation daily, and am frequently the only white chic on any given bus. You see things, you hear things, but for the most part people are generally civil to each other here.

    Although Georgia stayed red, the metro area is a deep blue. Plus we've got a lot of the leaders from the civil rights era living here. The really magic thing the day after the election was everyone everywhere celebrating and commenting on how great it was and how far we'd come in our respective lifetimes.

    And then there is the creep from Georgia you referenced in your comments. Yeah, unfortunately when you get away from the cities, the racism is rampant, still. Some parts of the South have never forgiven the North for winning the war and will never understand why.

    And to add to dr phil's comments on our parent's and the election results - our Dad is STILL raving -in a good way - about Obama's win!


  12. Can't say I'm surprised, especially now that Joe the Plumber has his own movement. Although it does make one want to head desk in a severe way. Also, having just experienced the same BS you did with the store greeter, only with an elected (old white guy) official and our tech manager (black man who is also a State Liquor Inspector) I hope the sound of my eyes rolling didn't bother too many people. I'm pretty sure I kept the groaning internal.

    As we used to say, the good thing about skin heads is they have a nice, clear IR profile.

    And it's not just the racist bastards. Sometimes I like to watch the Trinity Broadcast Network (they have the best comedies, they don't mean them to be, but they're very funny) just for the giggles. The other night Hal Lindsey Report and how the Obama election is another sign of the coming End Times. That Obama will hasten the World Government.

    Yeah, it's like a wack-a-mole game with the nutcases. They're all popping up randomly.


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